Firstly, welcome to the Anchorage Peter, and thank you for your very useful comments. With the production of so many printed ships to fill the gap left by the shortage created by Ares and the problems with China and its production policy, we are in a better place now than pre Covid. If Ares provide only Starter sets, those of us with any interest in painting our own ships and a few modelling skills dan just about provide any ship and coastline items that we want. Cards can be home printed and modified to suit the needs of the user, as long as we do not try and sell them on to third parties.
When you look at the AAR section, and the Chippy Shop, or the How To on the Home page you will see what a diverse set of shipmates you have. Take that with our history buffs, actual sailors, including one Naval Architect amongst the crew and you have access to a great deal of information.
All I can suggest is that you sign in on the welcome aboard page, stow your gear, have a wander around to get your bearings and then join us in the wardroom for a virtual beer or three and a good chinwag.
May you sail with a fair wind and a willing foe.