I'm afraid Lt Bush is right, there will be no new players because the core starter sets are pretty much unavailable, you can still get ships but there are fewer now than say 2 years ago and I don't think I've seen ship cards for sale at a reasonable price for a long time. If the manufacturers don't support the game it will eventually die. I don't mean support it with new and exciting product, that doesn't seem to be Ares way but I mean support it with existing bog standard stuff.

I do like the rules and feel that for small scale ship actions they work well, being simple enough to pick up and play a game without getting bogged down in complex rules and damage tables etc. Where the game shines is in using the many scenarios posted on this forum, most of these involve a few ships and give exciting and enjoyable games, they are the only reason I started playing and posting here.

I know it's been said before but really Ares should make the rules, damage counters and movement decks freely available to keep the game alive and then be able to capitalise on the player base when they release new models but to be honest I don't think they see a future for the game and so are concentrating their efforts elsewhere and it certainly isn't on WoG either.