Characters introduced into the story thus far.
Algerine and Moroccan Persona.

The Dey of Gizzanoffa: Kamel Mudanyaei.
His Vizier: Amin Giffar.
The Dey’s: Admiral Kulin Bey.
The late Captain of the Al Mukabir: Camel Mujadine
The new Captain of the Al Mukabir: Rashid Suleiman

American persona.
The Squadron commander: Commodore Silas Goldberg.
The captain of USS Constitution: David Frazer.
The captain of USS Essex: Andrew Millington.
First Officer: Paul Swift.
Sailing Master: Hezekiah Bramley.
Essex’s Captain of Marines: Davy Weiss.
Essex’s Master Gunner: Hamish Fyffe.
Essex’s Master Carpenter: Amos Grady

The captain of USS Syren: Lieutenant Gregory Hardman.
Lieutenant Guy Falconer.
Sailing Master: Simeon Prentice.
The Captain of USS John Adams: Cyrus Gregory
John Adam’ First Officer: James Stone.
John Adams’ Gun Captain: Will Bridewell.

Captain of the USS Schooner Enterprise: Lieutenant Andrew Sterett.
Captain of an unknown Algerine ship: Mustapha Kamil.
Sterett’s second ic: Lt. Jim Prentiss.
Ships Master: George Varley.
Master Gunner: Jim Cowley.
Ship’s carpenter: George Temple.

Schooner: Captain Richard Glover (nicknamed Iron fist amongst the hands.)
His ships Master Gunner : Ralph Watson.(“ Old deaf head” to his mates.)
New persona:-
Schooner: Nautilus: Lieutenant Richard Somers.
New characters in this episode.
Nautilus Master: Silas Jones.