Quote Originally Posted by Continentaleye View Post
Thank you all for the warm welcome. This is a very informative site. I really enjoy reading the AARs. I find the files very useful in learning and enjoying the game. I must unfortunately (make that embarrassedly) admit that Dobbs' AI seems to get the best of my ships in my solo forays.
Welcome Anthony, it's a funny thing about the AI systems, for WofW I used 4 different but similar ones until I settled on the one I found best for me, best meaning it wins more than it loses. I struggled a bit with AI for Sails because I found I was winning, now I've started using Dobbs AI it's much more down to the chits drawn.
What I find funny is that I'm happier playing an AI that beats me rather than one where I beat it.

Will we be seeing any AAR's from you, that would be nice as there's not many games currently being posted regularly apart from Bligh, ShadowDragon and Dobbs.