This morning Blutarski over on The Miniatures Page offered up a bunch of free scenarios for anyone who might be interested. Rather than asking for all of them (although I'm sure he'd be willing to give them out) I thought I'd post the list here and see if SoG folks would have one or two preferred? See below for message posted and free scenario list:

To – Nightmoss/Carojon/Frederick/other Age of Sail gamers -

I have some other "interesting" Age of Sail scenarios which I would be happy to share. All scenarios portray either historical battles -OR- historically plausible engagements that easily could have occurred if historical circumstances had been slightly altered.

Grenada – 1799
D'Estaing vs Byron fleet action

Cape Ann – 1814
Constitution vs two British 18lbr frigates.

Cadiz – 1801
Saumarez vs Franco-Spanish squadron in the Strait.

St Kitts – 1805
Nelson catches Villeneuve in the Caribbean.

Nelson and the Inshore Squadron – 1804
Nelson vs LaTouche Treville off Toulon.

Corsican Encounter – 1799
British vs Neapolitan frigate action off the coast of Corsica.

Battle of Sadras – 1782
Suffren and Hughes introduce themselves.