Pinch-hitter laptop due in Friday so I may be slow for a bit too between getting it set up and getting my mom's rig that was the previous spare off for repairs. Then I gotta finish migrating data to reinstall Windows on this thing, see about getting an SSD and upgrading to Win10... Prod me every couple weeks or so if I don't get something to you first.

If it helps, a Swan like Thorn is about 300 tons BM and an Amazon about 677, so we should be looking for hull strength and maneuver decks about halfway between those two datapoints. Gunnery I still need to sort, as the Sixth Rates include both 6-pdr and 9-pdr vessels in both 20-24 and 26-30 rating ranges. So we then need to work out the stackings between a Light 9pdr and a Heavy 6pdr to work out Gunnery...