Quote Originally Posted by Volunteer View Post
The barque looks great Rob! Do you glue some kind of peg on the bottom to attach it to the SOG base?
And thanks for the rep. You wil have to tell me your thumb story some time.
Now Vol, just how long have you got to listen to my story about my finger saga? The story grows in the telling with the passing of the years, unlike the finger I'm afraid.
Once your splint comes off, I suggest you emulate what I did at the suggestion of an old sea dog who had lost fingers himself. He told me to rub baby oil on the finger at least twice a day, and flex the joint as often as you could during the day as well to get full mobility back in the remaining joint. It worked for me although it took several months to get full mobility back. So if you can stand going about smelling like a Chinese house of ill repute, and giving everyone the come on with your finger, I suggest it as a good therapy.
Now the bit about pegs. I have used a series of solutions, including turning my own from acrylic. You can get special machineable types as averse to the brittle stuff but it costs a bit more. I have also pinned on the pegs cut off the ships destined for wrecks. However, as these ships are one offs and not intended to have the cards changed, I will glue these directly to the base.
Hope your hand is back to snuff soonest.