It takes two moves to lower a boat, embark, and get underway. A boat holds one box of seamen so for a landing party of three boats; for instance, you would denude three crew boxes for the duration. Place the appropriate crew loss chits face down on your ship mat crew boxes. On the return of your boats remove the chits again minus any losses due to action. Those chits are turned face up and count as crew losses in the usual way. It takers two moves to disembark your crew and retrieve your boats.

Boats move one ruler width per turn regardless of wind and weather, unless the scenario writer stipulates otherwise.

If you wish to use an anchor for springing, or to warp a ship off a sandbar, time is as above, but with two moves at the deployment site in order to manhandle the Anchor into place.

The ship will move one ruler width per move towards the anchor, up to the deployment point, with its bow or stern depending on the circumstances facing the anchor. The other end of the ship will be in the direction from which it has been moved.

As you will realize not a swift process to be undertaken in a hurry.