Hi Rob,
I'm afraid there is no local group of Sails as such ...
In Nijmegen (the Sails game) we played with 11 people (planned 12) of whom:
- 9 are Dutch of which 7 are members of "Casus Belli", a Nijmegen based wargame group) one of them also an Anchorage/Aerodrome (Dutch Wing) member, 3 members of the Dutch Wing and Anchorage
- 2 members of the "Eindhoven Militia", 1 of them Dutch, 1 of them Irish,
- 1 German member of the Anchorage/Aerodrome German Wing.
On the flying front we have:
7 more or less regulars of which 1 is Spanish and 1 is Portugese (after his initial stay in the Netherland a foray into Germany and currently living in Belgium).
Since the start of the Dutch Wing (with just three) we have grown over 50%, but to be honest I wouldn't call that progress

We do however play more often than the reports/pictures on the Anchorage/Aerodrome make it seem ... but not regularly and mostly in small groups of 2-3/4 players.
There are more players in The Netherlands (even on the Aerodrome) but they don't seem to be interested to join a group.
