HMS Victory fired the first broadside (FB) at close range with double shot at the Spanish first rate.

7 B damage counters & 7 A damage counters = 14 combined damage counters

For each 3 counters we get with the FB another damage counters. So we had another additional 5 damage counters.

But what kind of damage counters to use?

My proposal was to split up the 5 counters in 3 B damage counters & 2 A damage counters. The reason for this decision was, that this was the maximum you can get out of a basic damage of 7 B damage counters.

So HMS Victory dealt out: 10 B damage counters & 9 A damage counters.

As far as this goes Victory should have been even more powerful Sven.

Add to the seven B counters three B counters. = 10 Bs.
Add to the seven A counters three B counters. = 10 As.

Zealous should have also got an extra A.
