Quote Originally Posted by Zythe View Post
This is terrific! I specifically bought this game recently to make a directional damage model like this (so I'm VERY new), but you've already done it! Looks great, I cant wait to try it out! I do have some questions:

When you say "a single hit," do you mean from a single chit of damage? or all the chits drawn from that single attack? Thanks!

Also any thoughts about how to incorporate hits from other angles besides from the sides, such as true forward or rear raking shots? Maybe you lose both sides in front or rear equally in that case?
I'm glad you like them, Zythe. Mainly what I was trying to convey is that, as a ship receives damage, you mark it off on the side hit row by row from top to bottom. If a single chit exceeds the ship's Burden, the extra is marked on the other side.

In the event of a small ship taking a big hit, say Burden 2 getting hit with 6 points of damage on a single chit, 2 points would go on the side hit, two points would go on the other side, and the remaining two points would be lost in a shower of splinters spreading over the ocean.

I have instructions for rakes, I'll have to post them. They are somewhat harsher to make up for the ships being stronger.