Good start Andy.
Your new terrain looks good too.
You now need to add to your Butcher's Bill the ships log for Letters of Marque.
I have filled in as much as I could for you as an example.
I don't know your Captains name yet.
When you come over for your next game we will have a few minutes on this.

Letters of Marque. Butcher's Bill.

HMS Superb........................................................

a. Hull boxes to be repaired……………..1
b. Crew boxes to be recruited……………3..
c. Captain's name ………………………….
i. Returned to port (RtP)……………………R
ii. Captured (C)………………………………N
iii. Killed in action (KIA)…………………….N
iv. Wounded (W)........................................ N

Victim war ships (each)
a. Type…………………………….Frigate
b. Burden………………………….3

c. Hull boxes undamaged……….1
d. Crew boxes uncovered……….0
e. Sunk or captured………………C
