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Thread: Kiss Me Hardy No. 2

  1. #1
    Admiral of the White
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    Default Kiss Me Hardy No. 2

    During the excellent Salute 2018 coverage by Beasts of War I got interested in a new game from Too Fat Lardies called "What a Tanker" (looks to be a fun fast tactical game btw). Following that up with some reading on their forums I spotted this thread indicating that they may be reviewing the "Kiss Me Hardy" game. Nothing is going to change rapidly, but I know several members here really enjoy this rule set so I'll post a link to the forum thread.
    "It's not the towering sails, but the unseen wind that moves a ship."
    –English Proverb

  2. #2
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Thanks for the heads up Jim.
    It will be very interesting to see what Nick and Rich come up with to refine their rules and make them even better.
    I will follow their activities with the utmost interest.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  3. #3


    I have likely posted in that thread. Nick said that it would be a refinement rather than a rewrite since he feels that the rules already achieved their goal.

    I am running KMH at Historicon. At Cold Wars I ran the Battle of Lissa using KMH with SoG ships as part of Lard America's slate of TFL games.

    Just played a game of WaT last night - a very fun quick playing game - unless both players can't seem to hit the broadside of a barn!! About 60-90 minutes for our first game with 4 tanks on the table (2 players).

  4. #4
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    Hi Eric,
    I was just looking through the PEL for Historicon and saw your KMH game -- I didn't recognize that you were the GM however. Now I have to go back and see if it fits with my gaming schedule! I am disappointed I do not see any Sails games on the docket however.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Wentworth View Post
    Hi Eric,
    I was just looking through the PEL for Historicon and saw your KMH game -- I didn't recognize that you were the GM however. Now I have to go back and see if it fits with my gaming schedule! I am disappointed I do not see any Sails games on the docket however.
    Just stop by if you don't have time to play! I did run a few SoG games a few years ago when the game was initially released (check the AAR forum section). Now I am on a TFL games run!

  6. #6
    Admiral. R.I.P.

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    I played a game of 'What a Tanker' last Friday night. It is quite a good game but it can be very frustrating. If there are a lot of players, you can spend a long time waiting for your turn only to find that you can do nothing because of a bad dice roll.

    I prefer simultaneous movement and firing of 'Sails of Glory' and 'Wings of Glory'.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Naharaht View Post
    I played a game of 'What a Tanker' last Friday night. It is quite a good game but it can be very frustrating. If there are a lot of players, you can spend a long time waiting for your turn only to find that you can do nothing because of a bad dice roll.

    I prefer simultaneous movement and firing of 'Sails of Glory' and 'Wings of Glory'.
    How many players were in your game?

    The drawbacks of random draw UGO/IGO movement games of course. At least with WaT you know your order in the turn, some other TFL card draw games (Sharp Practice) you may not get to move if the end of turn card comes up first. TFL games a best for a small group for the most part because of this. Chain of Command for example is designed for 2 players. I have run CoC at conventions with 4 or 6 players, either using a team approach, ie one player is the commander and rolls the platoon command dice, or using the large game supplement. As with any convention game the key is to not have too many units on the table and to limit the number of players so everyone has something to do. I generally stay away from games with more than 6 people at conventions.

    From my reading WaT was designed for 3 players or less on a side (the token packs are sold with 6 sets each). I played a 2 player game with each person having 2 tanks which works out nicely. Last Friday I ran a WaT game with 8 players each with one tank. I think that is about the limit for the game. We did manage to keep the game flowing nicely and there were only one or two moments where a player could do nothing at all. Of course several had taken damage and were operating on reduced command dice. I think 4 players each with 2 tanks would be a nice size for a 2-3 hour game.

    Now with KMH it is card based but each card controls a squadrons fire or movement. Last time I had 4 players each controlling 2-3 ships in 3 squadrons 2 allied and one British. For my upcoming KMH game I have 6 players with likely 2 squadrons per side.

    As with any club or convention game, even WEGO games, much of the success comes down to the GM and how well he/she is able to keep the game flowing.

    Give WaT another try, at least the rules are simple so after a few turns everyone should be able to play their turn quickly. There is a nice QRS on the Yahoo group which is a big help.


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