Quote Originally Posted by Fabbe View Post
Thanks Dobbs for another very interesting post. I like both the additional wind speeds, as well as the way of resolving movement for them. I'm currently preparing a couple of historical scenarios that I intend to upload. I'd like to be able to include some of your suggested changes as optional rules. Would it be ok to reproduce your wind and ship changes in the scenario description? Can I credit you and perhaps link to your posts?
It would be my pleasure. If I can provide you with anything else, just ask.

I finally got to use my Current (Set) Cards. Suzanne and I played an engagement the other day. The backstory was that a US brig is exiting the Cape Fear river with an onshore wind and a 0.5 knot current setting up the river when it's discovered by a 32 gun British Frigate. Suzanne raced down on me, allowing the brig to gain the weather gauge. Beating in a fluky wind allowed the current to set the frigate onto the shoals at the river's mouth. Suzanne demands a rematch. She also said that the Current rules are horribly realistic.