Hi everybody. Nice to see that nothing much has changed since I've been gone lo these many months. After a couple of years trying to start a Sails of Glory club in Tucson including going to the last three years at the Rincon Convention, I finally gave up and decided to try something different. Fed up, I dusted off my old Subbuteto set from the mid 70's, built a gaming table and attended last year's RinCon. The game was a startling success. It was so successful that I have been invited to the Arizona Game Fair at the Mesa Convention Center on Feb 9, 10th, and 11th just to introduce people to the game. Subbuteto isn't sold in the US, just the rest of the world. Since RinCon17, I have started a local Subbuteto League, we meet every Tuesday night from 5:30 to closing at the Blackrock Brewers in Tucson (best porter in town). We are currently playing a tournament there and I am only mid way in the standings!

My return to this board is to let you know that I will be at the Mesa Convention Center on Feb 10th and 11th and will be bringing all my Sails of glory stuff to sell. I have a pretty good collection including the one of a kind USS Niagara complete with cards and ship mat that I built and documented on this very site. I also have the coveted captain and crew deck, both the USS Constitution and HMS Victory with their cards and decks and about 50 ships from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd waves. Lots and lots of extras like unopened mats, shore batteries, and other stuff you will want. All of it is stored in 4 count em 4 art bin cases, plus the original starter set box. As a special added bonus, you can have my signs that I used at RinCon trying to recruit sailors to the game. You can see those in action on this site that I have posted over the years.

I am hoping to give a really, really good deal to the players in Phoenix. This means you, Gunner. I will give bargain basement prices to anybody who is an Anchorage member. All of you have been great and it was a true pleasure to talk to all of you and I would like to give something back to you all.

Now, if anybody out there is a soccer fan, Starting this Saturday, the MLS preseason starts in Tucson. First up, this Saturday is the LA galaxy vs Real Salt Lake and then the Portland Timbers vs Seattle Sounders. If anybody is coming down to see these matches, we can arrange a Subbuteto game for you.

Here is the Garage Soccer podcast (based in Miami) that was posted yesterday, interviewing me and Sean about our club in Tucson: https://garagesoccer.podbean.com

I hope to get to meet some old salts from this site on Feb 10th and 11th.