I'm new to SoG, but I'm immensely excited to get started. I've always loved the age of sail, and as soon as I discovered SoG it went on my gift list. Turns out I have an awesome wife who purchased the starter pack for me and agreed that I should start building a collection of additional ships.

I live in Salt Lake City, UT, USA. I've lived all over the western US and have visited Sweden and England. I loved going aboard the HMS Victory as well as Vasa in Sweden. They're just awesome. I've listened to many of the Patrick O'Brian novels (despite some inaccuracies, they are awesome). I've also done some various other research on the age of sail. I am, by no means, really knowledgeable as to most things regarding tall ships, but I've got some foundational knowledge.

As far as my SoG experience goes, I've enjoyed the few games I've played. One of the most enjoyable things for me is seeing how the designers took what could have become far too complex and made it simple enough to work in a game you can often play a couple times in a day. Sure, there are some factors that are "game-ish", but I didn't expect a full simulation of actual sailing. Just the exciting bits. This game does that well.