I got this PM just before Christmas, and have not had time to give it much thought.
Has anyone helpful answers to any of the questions raised?

I'm curious on your thoughts about a carronade only vessel. I know you're working on one, I think you mentioned a 14 gun, but historically I'm aware of HMS Rainbow under Trollope, a 44 gun Frigate covered to a 48 gun all carronade vessel...

I'm thinking of doing a conversion as it were, and putting together a new ship card with wider firing arcs as per Ares carronade rules.
My question is how to up the firepower?
As a carronade actually increases the 'weight of metal' by a factor of four I feel that the firepower should refect that in some way...
I figure if it's firing every turn that's a two fold increase, so doubling the basic firepower seems fair as that would refect the four.
I wouldn't included/allow double shotting if this was the case though.

Have you given the same thought to it?
