Just got a copy of Osprey Duel 79, USS Lawrence vs HMS Detroit, so I'm braindumping my notes from it as I start consolidating data. Since many Lakers were derived from ocean designs, I'm also going to be evaluating them as stretch potential for sculpts.

Lake Erie
--US Lawrence and Niagara were derived from several Noah & Adam Brown privateer sloops, including General Armstrong and Prince de Neufchatel. This requires further research to see if the Brown Brothers' designs cluster close enough together to form a six-pack...
--UK Detroit and Queen Charlotte (not to be confused with open-sea ships of same names) are Laker-ized Snake-class ship-sloops, same hull as a Cruizer but ship-rig as opposed to brig.

Lake Ontario
--US Jefferson and Jones were copies of the Peacock group, so if we can find a Lake Ontario British opponent these two would work for bulking up the Peacocks into a Release Candidate.
--UK Royal George is same as Detroit and Queen Charlotte, a freshwater Snake.

Next step is to work the OrBat from Lake Erie for priority targets, then check Silverstone's Sailing Navy to see how the American lakers cluster out and then see what BWAS 1793-1817 has on their Great Lakes forces.