Quote Originally Posted by Union Jack View Post
NP, Bob, I just didnt want to muck it up. It looks like 2 Frigates or sloops v a 74.
2 frigates against a 74 is just about doable if the 74 is at half crew strength. Get in close and use grape exclusively. You wont have the firepower to bring her down any other way before she blows you out of the water. All it would take are a couple more crew kills before she wont have any orders left to do anything.

I bet you can do it if you play every turn perfectly.

My plan is for the Terpsichore and Leopard to take down the French 74 as quickly as possible in the manner i mentioned above, then try to capture the diplomatic ship before it can escape. Of course if I fail then the french get two of my ships plus the merchant fleet if it cant escape in time.

(BTW can i use the merchants guns? I was assuming poor gunnery and half of the hull points taken up with cargo.)