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Thread: AAR August 2016 "The Signal Tower"

  1. #1
    Master & Commander

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    Default AAR August 2016 "The Signal Tower"

    August Solo mission

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    “AArrhghhhh my ‘arties. ‘Ol’ Tom iz bak agin, ‘nd by poular request like, the proprietor of this ‘ere histablishment az axed me bak agin to regale you landlubbers of sum more of me tales of Slippery Jim and the Big E. So if’n yer aall settled and comfy like ‘nd we’ve aall got a mug o’grog? I’ll tell y’all anuthah seafairin tale of Slippery Jim and the Big E.”

    “Well the Guv’nor an’Jim wuz az thik az thieves they wuz. Any time we wuz in port, ‘Ol Jim sceedaddled, that’s walk very fast madam, up to yondah mansion o’thuh Guv’nor like. Aa waz thinkin t’meesell that Jim wuz more interested in a certain young lass then the Guv’nor but that’s a story for anuthah day. Noo, where wuz I? Oh yes, the Guv’nor. Well he was askin Jim to head off a Spanish ship he knew wuz in a cove near’in this here island like. So when Jim cum aboard ‘nd all the hands were present we set sail.”

    “Noo Wor Jim ‘ad a plan. What plan Sir? Well aall tell yeh, if’n yeh givus a chance like!”

    Slurp and wipes hand ceremoniously across sleeve.....

    “Noo wherwuz’a afore’n this gentleman interrupted my blether like? Oh, yis. Wih set sail on the morning tide and we fairly tappy lapped, that’s go quickly too madam, across the sea to this here bay wot the Guv’nor telt wor Jim. Big Frank, ‘nd he waz big missus but not very tall if you catch me drift, nee need ta blush hinney ah woz jist sayin he woz big! Well Big Frank shooted to Jim, ‘I’ve sailed these parts afore skipp’r; Noo that’s how the crew called Jim, not Captain or Sir but skipper, So Jim sez, ‘Fine Big Frank tell me what you know and maybe you’ll get a bigger slice of the cake’, so Big Frank telt Jim about an old Portugeese fort up on the bluff ower lookin this bay like. So Jim thanks big Frank and calls me doon to ‘is cabin.

    ‘Look Tom as much as you don’t like it I need you to take 2 boat crews and deal with whoever is in that fort. For we shall shelter in this bay, (Jim pointed to the map on ‘is table) and on the morning tide sweep around the headland to take the Spaniard. If they are forewarned it will not go well for the big E. However if we surprise them all the better for us.’

    “We settled in forah short while ‘nd jist afore dusk we glided into the bay Jim had pointed to on his map and we dropped anchor.”

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    “Aad alriddy med me mind up of who was gannin wivvus and it wasn’t lang afore we had the boats lowered and we were headin’ for the shore. Noo Jim ‘ad pointed oot a track we cud follow, reet up to the old fort”.

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    “So there we wuz, me ‘nd the laads in the boats and Jim and the Big E awaiting dawn and tekkin on the Spaniard.”

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    “Well we got reet up t’the fort and we crept up to the lookouts and we took them with a little bit of a punch up. It got dark reet fast ‘nd non o’the laads cud find the path so we had to sit and wait it oot!”

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    (Top row is the crew of the boats 4, v the crew manning the fort 1+1=2)

    “Cum th’mornin’ We cud see the Big E sail rund the headland and head for the Spaniard.

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    Jim sailed the Big E, ‘nd we cud see the Spaniards were rousing the crew and tryin’ to raise the anchor and set sail. But Jim held his nurve and let fly with a full broadside.

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    Jim wazzn’t ganna let that Spaniard get away. He had aimed low and we cud see the balls fairley burstin’ thru the planks doon by the water line”.

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    “Most of the crew that had just cum on deck were sent back below to man th’pumps. So Jim swung the Big E rund the Spaniards beak and dropped anchor whilst lettin’ fly a luverly bow rake.

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    Well that fair knocked the stuffin’ oot o’the Spaniards and th’chucked the towel in”.
    “Man wee’d tuk the Spaniard and with a few poor sowels wot got hurt a bit when we scrapped with the Spaniards in the fort we lost not a man”.

    Butchers Bill:
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    Goliath: Holed/Struck/lost 8 crew boxes

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    Terminus Est: 1 crew casualty (attack on the fort)

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    Gained 3 treasure points! (And of course another ship!)

  2. #2
    2nd Lieutenant
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    Nicely done. The Goliath was thoroughly outdone by a superior captain.

  3. #3
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Neat work en-baying the Spaniard like that Neil.
    He literally had nowhere to go.
    I did not envisage that as a possibility when I played the scenario.
    Great little action.
    Last edited by Bligh; 02-15-2017 at 07:44.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  4. #4
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    This is the one before yours Rob. I've played that too. It will come when I can get online at home or back at the YM, how I was able to post this one.


  5. #5
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Oops sorry Neil. Stealing your thunder again. amendment made.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.


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