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Thread: Battle of Abukir Test Game

  1. #1

    Default Battle of Abukir Test Game

    Last Tuesday I had the chance to test my Abukir / Battle of the Nile scenario.

    I choosed a 6 vs. 6 setup and you can see that my table in the living room is well filled.
    The wind direction is south east. (if you imagine that the wall behind the table ist he south)
    So all incoming RN ships from the right had historical perfect wind conditions. (You can see HMS Goliath in her starting position.)

    The French line of anchored ships started half a ruler away from the bay’s end.
    The first ship was the Guerrier (Bellona class)
    2nd Conquerant (Bellona class)
    3rd Aquilon (Temeraire class)
    4th Peuple Souverain
    5th the French flagship Orient (Ocean class)
    6th Franklin (Temeraire class)

    I have to add that the position oft he Franklin is not that correct. Historically she was in front of the Orient, but I put her in the end of the line fort he 6 vs. 6 sceanrio.

    The Royal Navy had
    HMS Minotaur (Temeraire class)
    HMS Vanguard (Bellona class)
    HMS Zealous (Bellona class)

    I decided to put two Temeraire class ships into the RN fleet to bring a heavier broadside on the board.

    Next three ships were
    HMS Goliath (Bellona class)
    HMS Defence ( Temeraire class)
    HMS Leander (Portland class)

    I split up the RN ships in two divisions.
    To fullfill one oft he scenario goals, the A division A1-A3 Goliath/Defence/Leander were assigned to sail between the coast and the French line.
    The B division B1-B3 Minotaur/Vanguard/Zealous were assigned to fight from the open side oft he bay.

    HMS Goliath arrived on the scene and catched a welcome from the Guerrier.
    All RN ships had the same starting position with only one maneuver between each ship.
    I played the scenario without special damages and crew actions with one exception that the RN ships are able to set the sails the way the want.

    Next ship was the HMS Minotaur.
    The distances are very close so it makes sense to setup the ships like A1, B1, A2, B2, etc…
    You have to pay attetention that the Temeraires are not that maneuverable as the Bellona class.

    With HMS Goliath‘s 2nd and HMS Minotaur’s 1st maneuver, HMS Defence arrived.

    Perfect maneuver of HMS Goliath. She decreased the sails in time and placed a perfect raking shot through Guerrier’s decks. (Yes I forgot the musket fire…)

    HMS Minotaur supported and get light damage.

    Here you get a taste how challenging it is to maneuver through the French line and the bay’s coast.

  2. #2


    Vanguard & Zealous came into battle.
    I realized that I planed the wrong maneuver for HMS Defence.

    Now a larger exchange of salvos took place. Dealt out a nice broadside versus Guerrier.

    The French answered with Conquerant versus HMS Minotaur and Aquilon versus HMS Goliath.

    The first French ship (Guerrier) was nearly destroyed and the second (Conquerant) took a lot of damag, too.

    HMS Goliath was in a good shape because the landward batteries of Guerrier & Conquerant were (historically) blocked by stuff and goods.
    This is one of my special rules for the scenario.

    Now all RN ships are on the board.
    HMS Defence ran into Guerrier due to missplaning.
    I decided to navigate HMS Zealous and HMS Leander between the French and the coast to fullfill the scenario goal.
    The question was: How to get HMS Defence out of this situation, because Guerrier won’t move.

    Here came another special scenario idea to my mind: Normally destroyed ships will be removed from play. But this would mean a big disadvantage for the French, if the RN simply bowrake the whole line down.
    So the base of an destroyed anchored French ship will stay on the board.

    My new Army painter tool was in use. A laserlight that projects a nice line on the gameing mat.
    An easy way to check if a rakin shot is possible, or not.

    A nice exchange of salvos.
    HMS Defence was not able to cross Guerrier’s base with a full sails straigt maneuver.
    HMS Zealous avoided a collission with a little luck.

    Guerrier was destroyed.
    Orient fired the first salvo versus the meanwhile badly damaged HMS Minotaur.
    HMS Goliath catched a broadside from Aquilon and the Peuple Souverain.
    Important: RN captains of the leading ships need to withdraw from battle right before their ships will be detroyed. Otherwise it will be difficult to fullfill another scenario goal to not loose more ships then the French.

    Orient finally blew the HMS Minotaur out oft he water.

    Battle continues and more long range shots took place.

    HMS Vanguard turned towards the Orient. Don’t ask my why, I thought it would be a good idea to soften the French flagship with guns and musket fire. Bad idea.

    Finally HMS Defence was able to free herself from the Guerrier wreck with a sharp starboard turn.

    Same case with the HMS Goliath, wich was only able to deal out a single B damage before Orient’s left broadsied finished her off.

    HMS Defence paid the price for bad maneuvering and the French coastal battery sent some greetings.

    After 3 hours of solo gaming, this was the point when I stoped the scenario.
    RN had some losses.
    HMS Minotaur sunk.
    HMS Vanguard half damaged (had to deal with the nearly undamaged Orient now)
    HMS Zealous undamaged.
    HMS Goliath sunk.
    HMS Defence light damaged.
    HMS Leander light damaged.

    Sounds not that good…

    …but have a look at the French ships:
    Guerrier sunk.
    Conquerant 3 boxes left.
    Aquilon 1 box left!
    Peuple Souverain nearly half damaged.
    Orient undamaged.
    Franklin undamaged.

    I think if the RN leading ships veer off in time and fight the damaged leading ships, HMS Zealous, HMS Defence and HMS Leander would be able to fight the Orient down (remember, one fire damage and the fate of the French flagship is sealed.)
    If you add some crew and captain’s abilities to the HMS Vanguard, it’s possible to win the battle and fulfill all objectives.

    The situation after 3 hours of gaming.

  3. #3
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    A very useful exercise Sven.
    It certainly brings out some good points to watch out for.
    When handling so many ships, the wrong turn is so easy to give to the ship in front of the one for which it is intended.
    The fire power was also interesting to see. I expected Goliath to take far more hammer from Guerrier as she approached, before being able to get the rake in.
    The fire from the Battery was also a reminder not to stray too far off the line of attack. One lucky shot from them and the whole balance of the game could be different.
    I think with a bit of tweaking you have the game pretty well even on the day.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  4. #4


    The problem is, that 6 vs. 6 fills two gaming mats very good.

    If I reduce the distances between the French ships, the RN will be decimated too fast without reaching the Orient.

    Question: How many players joined SoG games last year in Doncaster?

    Is it an option to offer this game to "only" 6 gamers and a host (me)?

    I could imagine Abukir as a third table mission.

  5. #5
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    I think that your six vs six seems very good for the time allowed for the game, and will give the feel of what it was like. I doubt that we will get more takers anyway. We may even find an odd player managing two ships.
    Plan for this scenario.
    If anyone else turns up we will put them on a repeater frigate.
    Let us wait and see what Neil has to say.
    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  6. #6
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    Sven I think provisionally work on the players fighting the with the British and you (plus 1 other if required) to command the French and run the game.
    If we get more takers then the players can be distributed around. As the French do not have to maneuver I would let 1 player command 2-3 ships.

    I would also extend your table to 3 mats and include more ships as an option depending on takers.


    PS: I would like to put my name down now for this game please.

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    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Union Jack View Post

    I would also extend your table to 3 mats and include more ships as an option depending on takers.


    PS: I would like to put my name down now for this game please.

    Also include myself if you would Sven.

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bligh View Post
    Also include myself if you would Sven.

    Me too - Haven't done Aboukir since our bicentenary game in 1998

  9. #9
    Admiral. R.I.P.

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    Thank you for your very detailed accountof the battle, Sven. Handling twelve ships alone must be a very painstaking exercise. You are to be congratulated for your efforts.

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    Put it on and they will come.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Union Jack View Post


    PS: I would like to put my name down now for this game please.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bligh View Post
    Also include myself if you would Sven.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Manley View Post
    Me too - Haven't done Aboukir since our bicentenary game in 1998
    That will be a lot of VIPs fighting my anchored line.

    You're welcome.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Union Jack View Post
    Sven I think provisionally work on the players fighting the with the British and you (plus 1 other if required) to command the French and run the game.
    If we get more takers then the players can be distributed around. As the French do not have to maneuver I would let 1 player command 2-3 ships.

    I would also extend your table to 3 mats and include more ships as an option depending on takers.


    I'll think about an 8 vs. 8 setup and test it.

    The tables are big enough for 3 mats and 8 ships logs?

    Advantage could be that the RN can setup the whole attacking fleet in 2 columns right on the table.

    Question is how far to set back the Orient in the line.

    Postion number 6 is maybe too easy.

    Position number 7 sounds good to me, but it can be dangerous for the HMS Vanguard's column to simple sail down the line of 6 French SoLs.

    Maybe some captain/crew abilities can be useful now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Comte de Brueys View Post

    Position number 7 sounds good to me, but it can be dangerous for the HMS Vanguard's column to simple sail down the line of 6 French SoLs.

    Maybe some captain/crew abilities can be useful now.

    If I read my charts correctly most of the ships astern of Vanguard angled in to arrive opposite their chosen victim, thus reducing the problem of running the gauntlet of fire from the whole French line.

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

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    What about a random draw for Orient. Not revealing it's position until after the British have set up their 2 lines. A D6 roll with 1 being position 8 to 6 being position 3. Then Orient won't be 1st or 2nd in line.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Bligh View Post
    If I read my charts correctly most of the ships astern of Vanguard angled in to arrive opposite their chosen victim, thus reducing the problem of running the gauntlet of fire from the whole French line.

    That's an option of course. I think it can be difficult regarding the distances of the French ships - first keep distance and then to aim at a special position in the French line without getting fire from two undamaged SoLs while aproaching.

    We'll see.

    There will be time to dicuss this with the RN captains in a short briefing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Union Jack View Post
    What about a random draw for Orient. Not revealing it's position until after the British have set up their 2 lines. A D6 roll with 1 being position 8 to 6 being position 3. Then Orient won't be 1st or 2nd in line.
    I won't make it too easy for the RN.

    But I could imagine something like that to determine if the Orient is at Position 6 or 7.

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    I also would like to take part in this game Sven, Im pretty sure Ensign Patch (Simon) will take part also, but
    Ill check with him this weekend

  17. #17


    You're welcome, Chris.

    I think If I get a third gaming mat, it shouldn't be a problem to bring in 8 RN ships.

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    I have two mats, plus Simon has a mat but between myself simon and Rob we have a large mat we all use not of official standing , you will see at Doncaster then you can make your choice.
    I also have a few ships that can be added to the fleet as required

  19. #19
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    Ships should not be a problem at all Sven.
    We can manage that.
    As for the British approach, I have a cunning plan Mr B, not involving Turnips.

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  20. #20


    I'll post you my wishlist in time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bligh View Post
    As for the British approach, I have a cunning plan Mr B, not involving Turnips.
    That will be fun.

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    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Please do that Sir.
    I will be honoured to receive your correspondence.

    The Business of the commander-in-chief is first to bring an enemy fleet to battle on the most advantageous terms to himself, (I mean that of laying his ships close on board the enemy, as expeditiously as possible); and secondly to continue them there until the business is decided.

  22. #22
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    Ah the good old Potato maneuvre, not seen but I've heard it can be smashing, making chips (ships) out of the enemy!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bligh View Post
    Ships should not be a problem at all Sven.
    We can manage that.
    As for the British approach, I have a cunning plan Mr B, not involving Turnips.



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