Last Tuesday I had the chance to test my Abukir / Battle of the Nile scenario.

I choosed a 6 vs. 6 setup and you can see that my table in the living room is well filled.
The wind direction is south east. (if you imagine that the wall behind the table ist he south)
So all incoming RN ships from the right had historical perfect wind conditions. (You can see HMS Goliath in her starting position.)

The French line of anchored ships started half a ruler away from the bay’s end.
The first ship was the Guerrier (Bellona class)
2nd Conquerant (Bellona class)
3rd Aquilon (Temeraire class)
4th Peuple Souverain
5th the French flagship Orient (Ocean class)
6th Franklin (Temeraire class)

I have to add that the position oft he Franklin is not that correct. Historically she was in front of the Orient, but I put her in the end of the line fort he 6 vs. 6 sceanrio.

The Royal Navy had
HMS Minotaur (Temeraire class)
HMS Vanguard (Bellona class)
HMS Zealous (Bellona class)

I decided to put two Temeraire class ships into the RN fleet to bring a heavier broadside on the board.

Next three ships were
HMS Goliath (Bellona class)
HMS Defence ( Temeraire class)
HMS Leander (Portland class)

I split up the RN ships in two divisions.
To fullfill one oft he scenario goals, the A division A1-A3 Goliath/Defence/Leander were assigned to sail between the coast and the French line.
The B division B1-B3 Minotaur/Vanguard/Zealous were assigned to fight from the open side oft he bay.

HMS Goliath arrived on the scene and catched a welcome from the Guerrier.
All RN ships had the same starting position with only one maneuver between each ship.
I played the scenario without special damages and crew actions with one exception that the RN ships are able to set the sails the way the want.

Next ship was the HMS Minotaur.
The distances are very close so it makes sense to setup the ships like A1, B1, A2, B2, etc…
You have to pay attetention that the Temeraires are not that maneuverable as the Bellona class.

With HMS Goliath‘s 2nd and HMS Minotaur’s 1st maneuver, HMS Defence arrived.

Perfect maneuver of HMS Goliath. She decreased the sails in time and placed a perfect raking shot through Guerrier’s decks. (Yes I forgot the musket fire…)

HMS Minotaur supported and get light damage.

Here you get a taste how challenging it is to maneuver through the French line and the bay’s coast.