Hello there everyone,

My name is Nick and I am new to the Sails of Glory Anchorage. Just wanted to introduce myself to you all. I am 34, live in Michigan in the US of A, and I have been in love with Sails of Glory for the last 3 years or so. I am a huge fan of boardgames, table top games, computer games, etc. I don't get nearly as much time to play my games as I like, but I bet we can all say the same there. Work, family, and life generally demands the bulk of that time.

I am currently on the path to make my own terrain for Sails and I have been avidly scouring the Anchorage to see what some of you brilliant people have done. Bravo on such amazing work! I hope to draw some inspiration to set up my own modular terrain and fortifications as well as someday (when time and the wife allows) to build a game table that will accommodate HUGE Sails games! Now I just need to find people to play with...

Anyway, best to you all. Looking forward to some great input, advice, and suggestions from this august grouping of talented hobbyists.
