Hello all, I had a game of SoG today and had few questions for the veterans. Today's fight was on a single SoG mat, 2vs2 frigates from the starter and kickstarter, using advanced rules and some optional.
Turn 1. With the wind coming from the east both sides closed at the green attitude from N and S.
Turn 2. Both fleets turned broadside on, with the Brits having a ship out of range. French fired an initial broadside (a full broadside and a stem) for 7 chits, Brit frigate roars back with 6. French frigate takes a fire and leak hit, Brit takes a rudder hit, both take some hull and crew damage.
Turn 3. Second Brit still out of range. One French does full reload, the other exchanges continuous fire with the Brit in range. Brit suffers a leak.
Turn 4. Second French ship had a fire started by gunfire while also taking a pounding.

At this point the fleets separate a bit as the they furiously repair. With that being complete the French have a total broadside value of 3 vs the 7 that the British can muster so the French concede as both of their ships are fairly savaged.

My question is about special damage. Do you play with it? I had the feeling after the game that ships in SoG are vulnerable enough to enemy fire and that special damage really made made those frigates egg shells. I plan to play much more to better my impression but I was curious to the thoughts of others as to how the feel about how special damage adds or detracts from the feel of the game.


P.S. the details of the fight fall off a bit because of the after-action pints we had so I hope my question is clear enough.