What do you think of this for carronades:

1. Prior to battle, determine the number of broadside firepower to be designated as corronades
2. This number is only fully effective at C/D range and fires the same way as double shot (taking that many A and B damage)
3. This number is half effective, rounding up, at B range. Again, acting like double shot
4. This number has no effect at long range, only your regular cannon fire is
5. Carronades can be fired every turn, as long as the appropriate fire or reload command is planned, regular cannons still require a reload
6. Carronades can be fired out of the fire arc within the ruler's width, same as Ares proposed rules. I like this rule, sort of simulates bow and stern chasers.
7. As damage is taken, the carronades are the first number to be reduced-as they were most likely on the top deck and likely to take damage/killed crew


1. HMS Vangaurd starts at 4/6/4, 2 firepower is designated as carronades. At C/D range she inflicts a full broadside damage of 4 B chits and 2 A and B chits.

2. On the next turn, she can again inflict 2 A and B chits at the same range while the long guns are being reloaded (a reload command was planned). If she was to use her bow guns, a 4, 2 would long guns and 2 would be carronades; same for the stern guns.

3. After 2 damage boxes are filled, her firepower is reduced to 3/5/4, meaning she has a carronade power of 1/1/2 remaining. After 6 damage boxes are filled, a remaining firepoer of 2/3/2 means no more carronade fire, or most likely at this point, a reload or fire command will not be able to be played due to a shortage of crew and commands.

I think this could give an advantage to a smaller ship that keeps all it's long guns versus a larger ship that may have more carronades. Plus it could change up the variety of each ship a little as well.

What do you think? Suggestions/criticisms welcome.