My father has done the bulk of the research and his research borrows pretty heavily from the research his father had done. What information he's been able to collect goes back into three-digit years where things start to get sketchy since most people could neither read or right and you begin seeing bloodlines that include people of questionable believability. For example, through one branch we are the several "great" grand nieces and nephews of Charlemagne. More believable at least because the family of someone that important could read/write for themselves or get someone else who could to record these things for them. To me it lends credibility to how true it ma be since, if you're going to fabricate your heritage into the family of the first Holy Roman Emperor, why not claim a direct line. At the same time, through my Scottish roots by way of Viking interbreeding, we have both Odin and Thor in one branch. I'm not saying it's impossible, however it's extremely hard to believe. If it is though I might consider engaging a lawyer to get my rightful piece of the Avengers/Thor movies money. No-one asked permission to use my relatives names and or likenesses.