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Thread: AAR March solo Fleet Action

  1. #1
    Captain of the Fleet

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    Default AAR March solo Fleet Action

    Apologies to all for the tardiness of the report, was played within time, just haven't got around to resizing and writing. Until today that is :)

    Commodore Sir John Norringham turned towards Captain Simon Barry “My compliments Simon, your men took 3 minutes to clear for action, well done” “Thank you sir “replied Captain Barry “It seems the Squadron is ready for action and await your orders Sir”
    Sir john turned and looked behind “Keep full sail for the moment Simon, send a signal to Dayton and Harris tell them to keep to the plan we discussed, hopefully we will back a couple of Prizes, depending how those Frenchies weathered that storm for the past couple of days” Captain Barry saluted “Yes Sir” and he turned to issue the instructions to the other Captains.
    So mused Sir John, while he in Audacious with the 74’s Resolution and Renown has sheltered in the bay a few leagues away it looked like the Frenchies had been caught, looking at the French Squadron to the north at least one ship , the frigate, had a jury rigged mast and the others looked a bit battered also. So even though there were 4 enemy ships he was confident they could stop the enemy from regaining port, well at least some of them.
    He lowered the spyglass and coughed, so let’s see what the next few hours would bring.

    Set up
    French Squadron

    French Storm Damage

    French Port

    English Squadron

    Turn 1
    The French led by Commerce de Bordeaux, followed by Redoutable and Le Berwick with Carmagnole move toward home, turning to Starboard

    English at full sail move to intercept

    All French move toward the channel behind the Island

    British move forward in battle line

    French Frigate obviously panics and turns hard Port, directly towards Le Berwick

    English Audacious and Resolution reduce sail to Battle sails, Renowned a slow boat, continues full sail

    Turn 4
    French move towards the channel but Carmagnole collides with Le Berwick which springs a leak and entangles their rigging and shrouds

    English turn towards the French but Renown falling behind

    Turn 5 &6
    The two entangled French ships do not move on turn 5 but un-entangle for turn 6

    Turn 7
    Audacious and Redoutable exchange broadsides, the French gunnery not too good but starts a fire on Audacious.
    Audacious gunners are superior and cause heavy damage including dismasting Redoutable

    Turn 8
    Audacious on fire turn to Port, its crew buy loading their guns while damage parties prepare to put out the fire and takes further damage from Le Berwick including a leak.
    Redoutable after losing a mast careens into the Island doing considerable damage and getting stuck

    Turn 9
    Commerce de Bordeaux moves around the Island, Redoutable fires its last cannons on Resolution and does no damage, Carmagnole fires at Audacious killing crew.
    Audacious fires at Le Berwick while Resolution finished off Redoutable, which strikes.

    Turn 10
    Commerce de Bordeaux moves around the Island into the channel, home port in sight, but also just out of cannon shot of the defending fort lies HMS Renown. Le Berwick opens fire on Resolution causing a leak, while stopping her own leak and pumping out the water damage. Audacious stops the fire and pumps out the water damage and prepares another damage party to stop the leak.

    Turn 11
    Commerce de Bordeaux turn into the wind to prepare to make harbour, HMS Renown drops anchor and opens fire with deadly effect. Le Berwick makes into the channel behind the Island followed by Carmagnole.
    Unfortunately Resolution moves up and stern Rakes Carmagnole which promptly strikes. Audacious moves forward pumping out water damage.

    Turn 12
    Audacious turns to Port and repairs the leak in the hull. Resolution moves forward to take charge of Carmagnole and Redoutable.
    The remains of the French squadron moves further around the Island

    Turn 13
    Commerce de Bordeaux and Le Berwick open up on Renown, who replies with a full broadside against Le Berwick.
    Resolution takes the two prizes, Redoutable and Carmagnole.

    Turn 14
    Both French ships move out of arc of Renown who are busy loading, but any movement would have brought the enemy fort into play. Captain Harris in HMS Renown decided that there was little gain in moving for one more shot

    Turn 15
    Commerce de Bordeaux and Le Berwick make the Harbour and safety.

    The Bill

    HMS Audacious
    4 box fully damaged ( 2 by fire), 1 box partial damage, 2 crew

    HMS Resolution
    1 box partial damage,

    HMS Renown
    ! box fully damaged, 2 crew

    Commerce de Bordeaux
    5 Box fully damaged, including storm, 1 partial damage and 3 crew. Escaped and made port

    Le Berwick
    4 box fully damaged , 2 crew. Escaped and made Port

    Redoutable – Struck colours and towed off the Island by HMS Audacious and HMS Redoubtable, taken as Prize
    All box damaged and 8 crew

    Carmagnole – Struck colours taken as Prize by crew of Resolution
    All box damaged and 6 crew

    Last edited by Capn Duff; 05-03-2016 at 05:32.

  2. #2
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    Good result Chris.
    Two prizes and the rest of the French Squadron badly mauled.
    Well done Captain.
    Also the first running fight round the Islet, which made a nice change.

  3. #3
    Captain of the Fleet

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    It was quite surprising as the French were all AI driven, they followed the lead ship for first two turns then individually and the die rolls sent them that way.
    Was an enjoyable game
    Last edited by Capn Duff; 05-03-2016 at 03:36.

  4. #4

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    Very nice action! And some bloody action inside the channel, too.

  5. #5
    Captain of the Fleet

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    Thanks Richard, what did not help was the Redoutable losing a mast, then the next move ramming the Island.
    This meant twice the burden B damage. It was then easy pickings and even less space to manouvre for the other ships
    Last edited by Capn Duff; 05-03-2016 at 05:28.

  6. #6
    Able Seaman

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    Excellent action, I very much enjoyed it. I think playing advanced rules makes for more interesting play.
    I congratulate your captains on taking their prizes with so little loss of life.

  7. #7
    Admiral of the Fleet.

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    I'm just happy that the scenario lived up to its promise.
    It's a bit like being the author of a book. You never know quite how the public will like it.


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