Master Sheet:
Left hand side is the complete list of everyone taking parts, user names, fleets etc.

On the right hand side are seperate boxes (basically same information as on left) for players in the same nation and a check as to whether they've been invited, accepted etc.

Then there are 4 sheets, French, British, American, Privateer.

Left hand column is player user name, ship name (type over player), captain, decorations, abilities if any, then the next bit is split into 2. Part 1 is the mission report, ie RTP = return to port, S = Sunk, C = Captured etc. Part 2 is for points gained for achieving game/mission victory points. For every 10 VP's an ability may be chosen.

This info is repeated down the page/sheet and across for each player and ship.

To invite players, go to the top right blue box 'SHARE' this brings down another box where you can add email addresses of players and invite them into the spreadsheet. (The master sheet is your check list).

Any other questions just ask.