Anglo-American family and taking the boy to see the Mayflower exhibit in Plymouth this week, we took him to the Mayflower Steps last year - well we ran into it by accident looking for the Aquarium and he was underwhelmed to say the least...

I don't think we'd set up the right expectations, given his first statement was "Umm they don't go anywhere?" well they do go downward and just stop

Then we really went Jules Verne and he said, "was it a submarine?"

I had a sudden vision of dozens of puritan couples lined up (well they did go into the Mayflower 2 by 2 didn't they?) with each of the ladies carrying the family belongings wrapped up in a black tablecloth
Each couple walking down the steps and dropping stoically feetfirst into the water, before upending and plunging down to swim to the submerged, nautiluslike submarine's hatch.

I really hope we find the new Mayflower exhibit has a diorama of exactly that, and I'd pay extra to see it