Hi guys,

Wow, what an utterly amazing site. I`m a life long gamer.... started gaming 45 years ago as a kid (actually, long before I even knew there `was` an unofficial/official hobby called wargaming). Later discovered role playing, back in 1974 when Dungeons and Dragons first hit the shelves; and have played wargames and rpg ever since (occasional time to sleep in between). Now I have a family full of gamers and rpg-ers, from the wife, all the kids, and extended family and friends.

I said to my wife, "I wish there was something new in the hobby. Not just constant re-hashes of nice shiny flashy, the latest thing, games in a box". Then, just when everything was starting too look... I dunno... samey, old, and had that `been there, done that` factor hitting home hard.... desperately hoping for something new, fresh and inspirational: I spotted Sails of Glory, accidentally, while browsing on line. I know positively nothing about naval warfare, but omg I tell you, the more I looked into this game, the more excited I became about it. I even have my wife looking forward to helping me with making homemade terrain, painting the ships up, and generally helping out on this one.

So I am here now, internet orders placed, pacing a hole in the floor boards waiting for my Sails of Glory starter set, Coastal Batteries Terrain Pack, and a spare ship: "Alligator" a war sloop... in my ignorance of naval warfare, I have always had the thing about sloops, ever since, as a kid, reading Alexander Kent Sloop of War. I hope I have picked the right things to begin my collection. I`m working purely on guess work here, and what I hope is common sense *gulp*?

I am absolutely bursting at the seams to get started in this new genre of the hobby, and I am truly delighted to have found this great site. What drew me to it was a really good blog entry which, for some reason, since I joined, wont allow me access any more... says the following:

Mabinogian, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
1.Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2.If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Its a crying shame, as the articles looked riveting. A member here, I think, who had turned the game into a full campaign (just as I intend to do), and was full of incredible articles, advice, and snippets of storytelling. Best of all was a thread showing how to make rigging out of the bristles of a brush. Anyway, I can`t access any of it any more :(

Okay, sorry to natter on so much. I`m an avid gamer and simply love to talk about gaming.

Steve :)