Quote Originally Posted by fredmiracle View Post
Yes at the Glorious First, Dave had simplified the game materials as much as possible, but there were still a lot of questions along the lines "what is the C/D range on the ruler for?" "what does the broken mast / leak / fire symbol on this damage counter mean," "what is the difference between 1 and 2 hourglasses," etc.
On the simplified logs, we removed everything not being used in the game. New players, especially when playing a two-hour slot, have a slightly overwhelmed look on their face after I explain the rules and during the first few maneuvers. This is exacerbated when, during the rule explanation or first few turns, players familiar with the game talk about various rules not in play; I hoped that removing everything not used would help with cutting down those comments, as well. I think we can easily forget what it is like for new players their first time playing, especially for those who are not familiar with AoS or wargaming in general; at Origins, I had many such players, but by the end of the session, they were excited about the game.