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Thread: Chit Protection, pricey, but worth it.

  1. #1
    United States

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    Default Chit Protection, pricey, but worth it.

    Since the Steve Jackson Pocket Games of old, i've pondered how to protect game chits from pizza sauced fingers, spilled beverages and the like, without destroying them myself. I've tried lamination, but the sides would come out uneven, and get dirty from residual glue. The fix is simple, AIRTIGHT COINHOLDERS. The clear acrylic two halves snap and unsnap together holding chits firmly within, protecting them thoroughly. Also, they draw from a bag or bowl much easier(like pulling a plastic coin) and no worries of unfurling corners. However, they are a bit pricey(about 40 to 50 cents each) and should only be considered for die hard game protectors like myself. They come in a variety of sizes and some even have color coded rings within that the chit can fit within, just make sure the measurement and count of chit to holder is correct.

  2. #2


    Publish a picture with your coin holder protected SOG damage decks, please.

  3. #3
    United States

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    As i'm using my ps4 for just about everything internet, it won't let me, but i'll see what I can do. Also, I stand corrected on the price, they're more like 10 to 15 cents a piece, especially in bulk. So I figure about $100 will protect all the chits for the game plus an extra mat or two. Also to get an idea of what they would look like google AIR TITE COIN holders and look at the coin in the cases, just square it. They close with a solid snap and you could probably submerge them in water with no inner leakage, I have a few, for another game, Fury of Dracula, in dime and quarter sizes, i'll reuse as many of those as I can for Sails, but I think I need penny and nickel sizes for Sail, with occasional quarter size. And I haven't got those yet (-$). Just remember to get enough and of the right size, so chits corners dont bend and you don't run out in the middle of a card, that sucks! They truly are worth it! It gives them that hard cased protected card feel and are easy to find if dropped etc.

  4. #4
    Master & Commander
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    I just plugged the chit draws into my RNG program; one button press, and I can generate whatever results I need.

  5. #5


    My first advice to gamers: Don't dip the damage chits into the Guacamole.

    Otherwise Anchorage Store:

    Additional Counter Set
    Special Price $9.99

    Additional Ship Mats
    Special Price $7.99

  6. #6
    United States

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    Agreed, as I said before, this tip is for hardcore game preservists that value that special product, and wish to have that piece of mind, that say, 10 years down the line can pull it out of box good as new, also a plastic token is much easier to find on the floor than a cardboard chit, and easier to pull out of game bags when the action gets going, I was skeptical till I tried it, now I find it essential. It makes a difference, minus the guacamole of course.


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