I readily admit I'm a bit of a purist, so I started playing the game as designed. However, as I've gone on collecting ships I've come to see that with printable ship mats I could actually have more variety in the game even if the actual ships I'd like to have aren't yet available! I'm not savvy enough to design the ship mats myself, so I'm reliant on the members around here who have done that work, but I can say I like the idea of paper over the current game design!!


In line with this poll there should be another poll asking "Do you recycle chits after every turn's draw?", or "Do you remove drawn chits once they've been picked!"

Of course this would only pertain to those folks who are using paper ship mats and mark off the boxes as they are filled. As those who use the cardboard mats would be using the chits on their mats as they are drawn. Unless of course, those folks are using another method with the chits on the mat. I guess that would classify as an "Other Method"!!