Would it be churlish and picky to point out that, whilst accurate for the 1600s, the rating system in the poll doesn't reflect the rating system that was commonly used in the Napoleonic era? A more accurate description, based on the established armament of the vessel, would be:

Ships of the Line:
1st rate - 100+guns
2nd rate - 90-98
3rd rate - 64 to 80
4th rate - 50 to 60**

5th rate - 32 to 44
6th rate - 20-28

18 or less

Technically (in the RN at least) the larger 5th rates (44s) and smaller 4th rates (50s in particular) were grouped into a quasi-separate category of "cruisers", and smaller 6th rates (24s or smaller) were "post ships" - weaker than a regular frigate but referrred to as a post ship as they were commanded by a post captain