Came across these recently and I highly recommend them:

In the wake of the eighteen-twelvers; fights & flights of frigates & fore-'n'-afters in the war of 1812-1815 on the Great Lakes (1913)

This book was written in 1913, which is now 102 years blows my mind to realize that puts the book closer to the events of 1813 than to our own time! Take the historical accuracy with a *large* grain of sea salt, and savor this book for its over-the-top, wildly romantic style. No one writes this way anymore. But there's something about it that made me feel like a thrilled child, sitting next to a crackling fire while an old man tells tales of the long-ago days when great men o' war prowled the lakes.

For a visual treat, watch this video documentary by the American Society of Marine Artists:

A great overview of the lakes campaigns and major events, but what makes it special is that it's illustrated entirely by maritime paintings. They make it particularly atmospheric, and you get a close look at some of the less-seen and less-known ships of the war. Modelers and miniatures players will find it enlightening and inspiring.