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Thread: 2015 Solo Campaign Discussions

  1. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7eat51 View Post
    When half of a ship's Crew Damage boxes, rounded up, are filled, roll two six-sided dice to determine the effect on the ship's captain. Re-roll each time the ship takes additional crew damage.

    Not that I'm active in solo play, but here's a few thoughts from reading during a train ride...

    First rates will easier loose from crew loss as the damage boxes increase more than crew boxes as they will take more damage not only due to more damage boxes, but also higher burden. A first rate that have twelve crew boxes will check six times for captain wounds before it is out of the battle.

    On the other hand, HMS Swan will have seven crew boxes and will if it strikes from crew damage, which is less likely, only make three checks.

    Agreed that the first rate will take a lot more fire before striking, but is the difference that big?

    Does "Re-roll each time the ship takes additional crew damage" mean for every chit or for every broadside or for every turn?

    4 or less in two D6 is 1 in 6 but with modifiers the chances differ very much.

    1 in 6, three times is about 50% and 1 in 6 six, times is about 75%. Modifiers will naturally modify these number.

  2. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by 7eat51 View Post
    We are using a combo of Basic/Standard/House.
    1. I'm sorry Eric but I am still unclear exactly what this is? It's not in the thread with the campaign rules and AI Movement info... Exactly which Standard & Advanced Rules are being used - is this determined solely on a scenario by scenario basis??

    Also two other clarifications please:

    2. Is there a table for minimum rank to command each type of ship (e.g. must be a Commander to command a large Frigate 40-guns, a Captain or higher to command a 74, Commodore/Admiral to command 100/118?) - one of the benefits of captains victory points listed was gaining rank to command larger ships right?

    3. When choosing AI Captains is the rule of thumb (or the rule) to choose the highest ranking best qualified (i.e. most special abilities) each time? Or totally random, or you just choose from what you believe is the best benefit to the AI side perspective? I assume you wouldn't put a Commodore/Admiral commanding a Sloop or 32 gun Frigate in a scenario with no larger ships?

    Otherwise I think I am about ready to shove off as soon as my AI Captains' Roster is ready....

  3. #103
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    John, I'll let Eric answer all of your questions as he's been coordinating the campaign.

    However, I can tell you that this first year of the solo campaign is pretty much a shakedown cruise so we can standardize the rules for future. At the end of last year when we started out only the Basic Rules were going to be used, but very quickly players added in some of the Standard Rules to increase the challenge and realism. I'm still using only the Basic Rules for the most part, but I'm planning on implementing some of the Standard Rules and perhaps some of the more appealing House Rules to enhance the play. I think the Basic Rules work just fine for solo play and it certainly helps move the game along as you spend a significant amount of time 'bookkeeping" the action for the subsequent AAR. Cheers!

  4. #104


    Quote Originally Posted by Nightmoss View Post
    However, I can tell you that this first year of the solo campaign is pretty much a shakedown cruise so we can standardize the rules for future. At the end of last year when we started out only the Basic Rules were going to be used, but very quickly players added in some of the Standard Rules to increase the challenge and realism. I'm still using only the Basic Rules for the most part, but I'm planning on implementing some of the Standard Rules and perhaps some of the more appealing House Rules to enhance the play. I think the Basic Rules work just fine for solo play and it certainly helps move the game along as you spend a significant amount of time 'bookkeeping" the action for the subsequent AAR. Cheers!

  5. #105
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    Jonas, would you suggest keeping the probability of captain injury to remain constant, and only be modified by things such a musket fire? Why or why not? The beauty of the solo campaign is the opportunity to flesh out solo rules, with the goal that by year's end, we have something well thought out and play-tested, keeping in mind we're not creating a detailed simulation but a quick and accessible set of rules.

    John, by Basic/Standard, I am referring to the appropriate sections of the Ares rules set; by house rules, I am referring to items like the above paragraph. Does this make sense?

    As for rank and ship, we have not codified anything yet, but have briefly discussed that there should be a measure of congruence. This thread is just the place to hash this out.

    As for choosing AI captains, I suggest choosing what makes sense for a given scenario. This is a gentleman's game, and as such, players hold not try to take advantage of anything regarding the AI component; in fact, I suggest erring in favor of the AI when a clearly best choice is not forthcoming.
    “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” ― Plato

  6. #106


    Hey Eric,

    Quote Originally Posted by 7eat51 View Post
    John, by Basic/Standard, I am referring to the appropriate sections of the Ares rules set; by house rules, I am referring to items like the above paragraph. Does this make sense?

    Still doesn't tell me which standard or advanced or optional or house rules we are using!

    e.g. What rules did you use in your game for the Jan scenario, what did Jim use in his Feb Scenario game he did an AAR for recently?

    I shall press on with what I think I should do but fitting enough with the January Scenario it's all pretty shrouded in fog & mist at present!

    Quote Originally Posted by 7eat51 View Post
    As for rank and ship, we have not codified anything yet, but have briefly discussed that there should be a measure of congruence. This thread is just the place to hash this out.
    Right you are, therefore I tentatively propose (using only the ship classes available officially in the game for now) as a draft idea for dismemberment:

    Minimum Rank to Command:
    Unrated / Sloops (14) - Lieutenants
    5th Rates / Standard Frigates (32) - Lieutenants
    4th & 5th Rates / Large Frigates (40) - Commanders
    3rd Rate SOLs (74) - Commanders
    1st & 2nd Rates (100-118) - Captains

    Maximum Rank that can Command:
    Unrated / Sloops (14) - Commanders or less
    5th Rates / Standard Frigates (32) - Captain or less
    4th & 5th Rates / Large Frigates (40) - Admiral
    3rd Rate SOLs (74) - Admiral
    1st & 2nd Rates (100-118) - Admiral

    1. A player's highest ranking surviving officer can always command the largest ship present regardless and so forth... (e.g. a Lieutenant a 74 if no higher officers left)
    2. The player's largest ship available in any game with a multiple ship squadron can always be commanded by the highest available officer, and Unrated/5th Rates can always be commanded by the lowest ranked surviving officer...
    3. Special Cases (e.g. Prize Crews) are obviously excepted.

    May be more than is needed and/or maybe could be simplified - but I guess there has to be an incentive to use lower ranked officers and/or officers with no bonus skills in some scenarios? Logically the player will usually use the same officers repeatedly in each scenario right to try and gain enough points to gain skills?

    Quote Originally Posted by 7eat51 View Post
    As for choosing AI captains, I suggest choosing what makes sense for a given scenario. This is a gentleman's game, and as such, players hold not try to take advantage of anything regarding the AI component; in fact, I suggest erring in favor of the AI when a clearly best choice is not forthcoming.
    Indeed. Understood and as Expected.

  7. #107


    BTW - just remembered one last question I had for now:

    Is there any limit on what or how many skills any Officer (Captain) can accumulate?
    Last edited by Mycenius; 02-26-2015 at 01:30. Reason: typo

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mycenius View Post
    BTW - just remembered one last question I had for now:

    Is there any limit on what or how many skills any Officer (Captain) can accumulate?
    I would say there's no limit, which effectively copies what will be occurring with the captains cards coming with HMS Victory and USS Constitution. But, we're in test mode and Eric may want to hold off on that aspect of the campaign?

  9. #109


    When ships are required to disengage do they have to:

    (a) flee to the closest table edge (unless otherwise specified), or
    (b) flee to a nominal base line (a specific table ege)

    Wording in Solo Rules Thread suggests (b) but the Jan Scenario and context imply (a)?

    Does a disengaged ship that reaches the table edge then count as surrendered as per the official game rules? I have been assuming not as Solo stuff will supercede (but thought I'd better check)?!

    Ship AI movement seems to work very well - although it's a bit embarrassing to be out manoeuvred by it! (AAR: Jan 2015 - When the Fog Lifts - A Dark Day For France)

  10. #110


    What happens with the AI when you roll a "0" Card but your vessel doesn't have one (i.e. it's too large)? I had this happen in Jan scenario but luckily ship was being taken aback anyway - so it was inconsequential! Do you just take the next card along the AI track? e.g. if you rolled a 6 and it is a 0 card and 5 is a 1 card just treat roll as a 5?

  11. #111

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    Hi Eric!

    I am still having a problem interpreting one aspect of the manoeuvring rules.

    The 1st rule states, "Choose the quadrant which the majority of the appropriate ship is in." The 4 quadrants of what exactly? I thought initially it referred to the 4 quadrants of the ship, but then the second part of the rule, "If the ship is equally in two sectors, choose the quadrant containing the front of the ship," doesn't fit that interpretation as the quadrants around a ship are constant in relation to the ship. Also, does the word "sector" stand for those same quadrants?

    I think I am correct in understanding the quadrants referred to in the next rule apply to the 4 quadrants of a ship. It seems to make sense if they do.

    Just a thought on the rules, might it be useful to number the sections and paragraphs as per military manuals.

    Many thanks mate, I look forward to hearing from you soon.


  12. #112


    Brad - there is a diagram in the solo manoeuvring rules to explain it - basically draw an + symbol over the centre of your ship - you have 4 quadrants, they are lettered A, B, C, D. The Solo Manoeuvring Chart has a sample process on the second page of the PDF.

  13. #113


    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Outlaw View Post
    The 1st rule states, "Choose the quadrant which the majority of the appropriate ship is in." The 4 quadrants of what exactly? I thought initially it referred to the 4 quadrants of the ship, but then the second part of the rule, "If the ship is equally in two sectors, choose the quadrant containing the front of the ship," doesn't fit that interpretation as the quadrants around a ship are constant in relation to the ship. Also, does the word "sector" stand for those same quadrants?
    P.S. Brad - you should have This Manoeuvre Chart?

  14. #114

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    Thanks John

    Yes I have the manoeuvre chart, but when the rule asks me to choose a quadrant with "most of the ship" in it, a ship is equally located in each quadrant, and 2 of the quadrants contain the front part of the ship. It seems to be a question of the wording defining the ship or ships. Maybe I should, for example, be reading it as, "Choose the quadrant of my ship that most of the other ship appears to be in, relative to it being observed from my ship." That would seem to make it more clear, assuming I have it correctly, so that if an enemy ship is off my port bow, she is in that quadrant of my own ship.

    God bless the English language!

    Many thanks guys for bearing with this!

  15. #115

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    Many thanks for the members who have persevered with my being able to interpret the rules, your posts have been most appreciated.

    I was thinking that the trouble I was having interpreting that one rule in particular possibly stems from coming into this at the time I did. Most of the members here would have been involved with the development of the rules and, as they were written. it was self explanatory.

    Also, I hope you will all forgive me, but I have taken the liberty of upgrading the rules just a tad to make them more easily referred to and I have clarified the first 2 paras in Manoeuvring. The file is attached and I would be interested in your views.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  16. #116


    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Outlaw View Post
    Thanks John

    Yes I have the manoeuvre chart, but when the rule asks me to choose a quadrant with "most of the ship" in it, a ship is equally located in each quadrant, and 2 of the quadrants contain the front part of the ship....
    Apologies Brad - I sped read your post and fired off a quick response without actually digesting what you were actually asking! Mea culpa!

    P.S. I see I've quietly slipped into the Midshipman ranks too a few posts ago without even realising it...

  17. #117
    Admiral of the White
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    Congrats John on your advancement.

  18. #118


    Quote Originally Posted by Nightmoss View Post
    Congrats John on your advancement.
    Aye aye, Captain Nightmoss!
    Last edited by Mycenius; 03-05-2015 at 19:28.

  19. #119
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    Welcome to the midshipmen's berth. Make yourself at home.

  20. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by TexaS View Post
    Welcome to the midshipmen's berth. Make yourself at home.
    Why thank you my good sir! Is Horatio about...?

    (Hornblower that is, not Nelson)

  21. #121
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    Hi John,

    1: I like the rank-class scheme you developed. Unless others have input by early next week, we'll adopt it. I think scenario writers should feel free to do something different in service of a good story, but such instances would always be an exception, and should only occur for good reason.

    2. I do not see any reason to limit Captain Abilities. No captain is starting out with more than one, so if a captain is so successful to gain multiple ones, then a legend has arisen.
    “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” ― Plato

  22. #122
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    Regarding disengagement, ships should sail to their respective ports/fleets, unless a scenario writer has good reason to direct otherwise.

    In January's scenario, a disengaged AI ship would set sail directly for its intended course trying to put distance between it and the player's ship. The goal for the AI ship was to sail east, and being closer to that destination than the originating port, it would have made additional sense to do so, especially given the higher probability of friendly ships near the home nation's border.

    When a disengaged ship sails off the mat, it does not surrender by successfully gets away. At some point, we have to call it. We could extend mats and keep a chase up, but such endeavors should be the nature of a given scenario, and not a requirement for a player to complete. If the opposing force cannot stop a fleeing ship by the time the ship sails off, so be it.
    “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” ― Plato

  23. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mycenius View Post
    What happens with the AI when you roll a "0" Card but your vessel doesn't have one (i.e. it's too large)? I had this happen in Jan scenario but luckily ship was being taken aback anyway - so it was inconsequential! Do you just take the next card along the AI track? e.g. if you rolled a 6 and it is a 0 card and 5 is a 1 card just treat roll as a 5?
    According to the chart rules: If AI ship's deck lacks the indicated card, use tightest turn available

    So whenever a ship is directed to make a turn beyond its ability, use the sharpest turn in the given direction.

    As to basic/standard rules, I refer to the basic Ares scheme of how to maneuver, resolve fire, record damage, etc. Any solo-campaign rule would supersede rules-as-written, but we are not wanting to rewrite Ares' basic scheme. For now, we're avoiding most of the advanced/optional rules such as crew actions, most special damage, etc. One, this enables us to flesh out and solidify the AI mechanism, campaign rules, etc., and, two, the games do not become unwieldily for players; between playing, shooting photos, and reading and writing AARs, there is a decent chunk of time invested. Based on experience with WoG solo play, keeping the rules relatively basic has served well over time, especially when a given scenario has unique requirements.
    “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” ― Plato

  24. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Outlaw View Post
    Many thanks for the members who have persevered with my being able to interpret the rules, your posts have been most appreciated.

    I was thinking that the trouble I was having interpreting that one rule in particular possibly stems from coming into this at the time I did. Most of the members here would have been involved with the development of the rules and, as they were written. it was self explanatory.

    Also, I hope you will all forgive me, but I have taken the liberty of upgrading the rules just a tad to make them more easily referred to and I have clarified the first 2 paras in Manoeuvring. The file is attached and I would be interested in your views.

    Hi Brad,

    I just started reading through these, but realized I need to head to work. I will continue with them and the catching up on posts later today. Immediately, I saw the benefit of using rule numbers as opposed to bullet points. How something so obvious escaped notice before …
    “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” ― Plato

  25. #125
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    I see that you have uneven numbers. I will have a little more time on my hands from next week. I will answer the call of the King and join on the side of the British if that would be practical. I might catch up in a month or two.

  26. #126


    Quote Originally Posted by TexaS View Post
    I see that you have uneven numbers. I will have a little more time on my hands from next week. I will answer the call of the King and join on the side of the British if that would be practical. I might catch up in a month or two.
    Good Man!

    Although half the captains don't seem to be sailing at all this season...

  27. #127


    Quote Originally Posted by 7eat51 View Post
    Hi John,

    1: I like the rank-class scheme you developed. Unless others have input by early next week, we'll adopt it. I think scenario writers should feel free to do something different in service of a good story, but such instances would always be an exception, and should only occur for good reason.
    Cool - there is probably a much simpler way to write it - don't want to add complexity but then for fairly straightforward scenarios with only 1 or 2 ships when several captains are available you don't want the Commodore/Amiral commanding a Sloop simply because he's got 3 special abilities or something just to get him 'on table' (or vice versa the junior lieutenant commanding a 100 gunner for the same reason)...

    Quote Originally Posted by 7eat51 View Post
    2. I do not see any reason to limit Captain Abilities. No captain is starting out with more than one, so if a captain is so successful to gain multiple ones, then a legend has arisen.
    Very Good, Sir!

  28. #128

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    Hi Jon

    I am in the process of getting a roster of ship commanders and have been considering your maximum ranks to command. I have always understood that admirals had, and still have, captains to command their vessels as they were too occupied commanding a squadron or more. Even if the captain was out of action, the 1st lieutenant, or XO, would take command.

    I just realised, that might mean captains and XO's for our crews! Horatio and Archie?


  29. #129
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    But sir Edward Pellew did command a heavy frigate as a commodore and led a squadron of frigates at the time. I have no memory of any captain on his ship...

    Edit: Agreed that a commodore isn't an admiral, but I do believe it's considered a flag officer.
    Last edited by TexaS; 03-07-2015 at 00:23.

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    Good point, probably an uncommon event maybe.


  31. #131


    Hey Brad (and Jonas) - yes good points and I am aware of them... I am speaking just from a game perspective not an historical one - our 'captains' don't truely represent how command in a squadron would actually be structured nor should they - and I'm sure we are all gentlemen but we should still try to avoid any extreme gamey situations (like The examples I alluded to below) by some simple guide perhaps?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mycenius View Post don't want the Commodore/Amiral commanding a Sloop simply because he's got 3 special abilities or something just to get him 'on table' (or vice versa the junior lieutenant commanding a 100 gunner for the same reason)...

  32. #132
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    Hm... That gave me an idea for another solo scenario where you have command of a squadron and one of your ships, a small frigate, is commanded by the AI and you will have to keep it alive.

  33. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexaS View Post
    I see that you have uneven numbers. I will have a little more time on my hands from next week. I will answer the call of the King and join on the side of the British if that would be practical. I might catch up in a month or two.
    it would be great to have fight alongside us against those nasty Frenchies.
    “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” ― Plato

  34. #134
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    John, your thinking about not stacking a scenario with an unrealistic rank simply because said captain has many abilities. Such gameplay defeats one of the purposes of the campaign - to have fun among friends. This isn't a competition, nor is it about ego. The game, itself, should be enjoyable regardless of win or loss.

    Jonas, let me know when, and we'll reserve that slot for your scenario. Another option would be for the commanding ship to be run by the AI and the player's ship has to respond accordingly. Such scenarios are good opportunities to develop and test house rules regarding coordinated maneuvering, etc. The possibilities are restricted only by our imaginations.
    “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” ― Plato

  35. #135

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    Here's a red herring!

    If a captain is KIA during an engagement, it is the job of the 1st Lieutenant to take over. Do we need to name our 1st Lieutenants too? If the Captain is killed, we need a name to replace him, particularly in case the 1st Lieutenant turns the battle to his favour and achieves an outstanding victory!

    Just a thought!


  36. #136


    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Outlaw View Post
    If a captain is KIA during an engagement, it is the job of the 1st Lieutenant to take over. Do we need to name our 1st Lieutenants too?
    I already have reserve officer's 'on standby' should any fall! Both for my glorious French squadron and the despised RN enemy AI squadron!

  37. #137


    Quote Originally Posted by 7eat51 View Post
    John, your thinking about not stacking a scenario with an unrealistic rank simply because said captain has many abilities. Such gameplay defeats one of the purposes of the campaign - to have fun among friends. This isn't a competition, nor is it about ego. The game, itself, should be enjoyable regardless of win or loss.
    Yep - that wasn't really my original point though (as I said above I'm sure all captains here are gentlemen, etc) it was just an 'extreme' example to make the point - original intent was more to provide a general framework (or guide if you will) - e.g. If a scenario calls for a 74 (and has no special instructions around ship captains), and you have 5 officers available (1 Commodore, 2 Captains, and 2 Lieutenants), my thought process was simply around which officers are the most appropriate to select from to be commanding that class of vessel (i.e. should it be 'appropriate' to choose a lieutenant if a more suitably ranked officer is available in your roster)? And obviously it's possibly even more useful in relation to managing your AI squadron?

    Anyway was just a thought/topic for discussion...

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    And I have my 8 1st Lieutenants! Just in case!

    M God, if this keeps going we might end up with crew lists!!! Aaaaargh!

  39. #139


    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Outlaw View Post
    And I have my 8 1st Lieutenants! Just in case!

    M God, if this keeps going we might end up with crew lists!!! Aaaaargh!
    Yes but what about harbour masters and such like...?

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    I will have to come up with my names too...

    I'll be happy with as few as possible, eight is it? If they die off too quickly I can name the lieutenants by then.

  41. #141


    Quote Originally Posted by TexaS View Post
    I will have to come up with my names too...

    I'll be happy with as few as possible, eight is it? If they die off too quickly I can name the lieutenants by then.
    Just tick the languages/nationalities and choose if you want (0 to 3) 'middle' names as well: Behind The Name: Random Name Generator

    P.S. Middle names are useful for a few so you can hyphenate with last name to make double-barrelled names too - e.g. Captain James Olmos Ramkin becomes Captain James Olmos-Ramkin! Especially good for British Squadrons!

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    But I can't use the randomly generated "Antony Drake Calhoun". Or could I...

    I like to have a theme or some such. We'll see.

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    I used Admirals' surnames and kings of England and saints for first names.

  44. #144
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    I sent my list to 7eat51, but I can post it here too:

    Lieutenant Ebenezer Denny
    Lieutenant William Price
    Commander Peter Harrington
    Commander James Benwick
    Commander John Russel
    Captain Edward Foster
    Captain Frederick Wentworth
    Commander George Croft

  45. #145

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    These are my Ships' Captains and their 1st lieutenants; famous naval surnames, Kings, (English, of course), and Saints for Christian Names.

    Captain Lord Henry Barham, ..............1st Lieutenant William Ralegh
    Captain Sir John Hood, ......................1st Lieutenant Harold Cook
    Post Captain Richard Anson, ...............1st Lieutenant Sir Michael Bligh
    Post Captain Sir Edward Howe, ...........1st Lieutenant Thomas Hawke
    Commander Charles Rodney, .............1st Lieutenant Lord Matthew Pellew
    Commander James Collingwood, .........1st Lieutenant Stephen Drake
    Lieutenant Viscount George Drake, ......1st Lieutenant Mark Penn
    Lieutenant Alfred Blake, .....................1st Lieutenant Luke Benbow


  46. #146


    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Outlaw View Post
    These are my Ships' Captains and their 1st lieutenants; famous naval surnames, Kings, (English, of course), and Saints for Christian Names.

    Captain Lord Henry Barham, ..............1st Lieutenant William Ralegh
    Captain Sir John Hood, ......................1st Lieutenant Harold Cook
    Post Captain Richard Anson, ...............1st Lieutenant Sir Michael Bligh
    Post Captain Sir Edward Howe, ...........1st Lieutenant Thomas Hawke
    Commander Charles Rodney, .............1st Lieutenant Lord Matthew Pellew
    Commander James Collingwood, .........1st Lieutenant Stephen Drake
    Lieutenant Viscount George Drake, ......1st Lieutenant Mark Penn
    Lieutenant Alfred Blake, .....................1st Lieutenant Luke Benbow

    Oooohhhhhh.... I like the Sir's and Lords - didn't think of that!!!!!

  47. #147


    Okay Okay Okay - so if that's the deal...

    My Glorious French Squadron:
    Contre-amiral Thierry Frédéric Victore
    Capitaine de vaisseau Côme Rainier Fabian
    Capitaine de frégate Josepe Aurèle Géroux
    Capitaine de frégate Lothaire Rémi Babineaux
    Capitaine de frégate Gearóid Teodosio Bissette
    Capitaine de corvette Cyrille Léopold Villeneuve
    Capitaine de corvette Baptiste Stanislas Gage
    Lieutenant de vaisseau Sacha Lucrèce Paget

    French Reserve Lieutenants:
    Hilaire Sacha Dubois
    Toussaint César Parris
    Narcisse Sylvain Bonfils
    Marius Paquet Biondi
    Deforest Alexis Berger
    Rolando Enda Sauvageau
    Harkaitz Yannick Armel

    The Dastardly Royal Navy AI Squadron:
    Commodore Valentine Cornelius Harland
    Captain Stirling Stephen Barnabas-Winston
    Captain Rorie Cairbre MacClelland
    Captain Louis Domenic Church
    Commander Crofton Merrick Seward-Beckham
    Commander Maitland Lindsay Scott
    Lieutenant Cadwalader Rhydderch Floyd
    Lieutenant John-Amery Rodger Mercer

    RN AI Reserve Lieutenants:
    Ross Carbrey McAdams
    Alexander Stanley Averill-Ingham
    Daveth Myghal Botterill
    Lorne Sherwood Lund
    Brennan Labhrainn Hancock

  48. #148


    Also my good sirs - on a campaign related note - I am still open to some consensus and comment on my question of what the perceived outcome should be for the final turn of from my second solo scenario: AAR: Feb 2015 - Our Ships Were French Oak And Hearts of Oak Our Men - Vive la France!

    P.S. I have sufficient data available to actually play out about 2 more turns on paper if the current proposed outcome in the above thread is considered the least plausible result, etc...?

  49. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mycenius View Post
    Oooohhhhhh.... I like the Sir's and Lords - didn't think of that!!!!!
    Nah... Mine will get their peerage through their actions like the earl of St Vincent or the Viscount Exmouth.

  50. #150


    Quote Originally Posted by TexaS View Post
    Nah... Mine will get their peerage through their actions like the earl of St Vincent or the Viscount Exmouth.


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