Book Title: The Line of Battle: The Sailing Warship 1650-1840

Author: Various contributors, including Brian Lavery.

Published By: Conway Press

ISBN: 0-85177-561-6

Genre: Factual History Reference


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Another excellent reference book covering the following types of ship:
Sail of the Line
Sloop of War
Fore and Aft Rigged Vessels
Bomb Vessels
Oared Fighting Ships
Fleet Support Craft

With additional chapters on the following:
Design and Construction
Rigs and Rigging
Guns and Gunnery
Ship Decoration
Ship Handling
Naval Tactics

A book giving detailed information on the development of the fighting ship from 1650 to 1840. There is an excellent table on different gun types by nationality, giving range, elevation, calibre, weight of shot, weight, length and even powder weight.

The chapter on Seamanship is well worth a read as it gives excellent advice on best use of the wind, and how to tack correctly.

Another great reference book.