With some of the issues about small ships, I had an idea for something to enhance their maneuverability and let them play more to their strengths.

I haven't determined an Upper Limit on this yet other than "Two-Deckers And Larger Need Not Apply", but here goes:

Each sail setting gains a number of "Move Points"--Backing is 1, Battle is 2, Full is 3, and you may "build" lower-rated combinations and play them as if they were a single card so long as you do not exceed your Veer rating at any one time, or the cumulative total allowed by your sail setting in that move phase. For example, you might choose three Backing Left Turns instead of one Full Left Turn to get a tighter turn radius. Or, if you're jockeying for position for a rake or to stay outside a broadside, you might play a Battle Left followed by a Backing Right.

I'm not sure if this should be Unrateds only, or if light frigates should get access to it to, or if it would be suitable for all frigates--I have an idea to make any frigate version of this option a bit less powerful too, but I'd like to get some feedback on the basic idea first.