Quote Originally Posted by TWR View Post
Earlier in the thread Terpsichore is indicated as being most suitable of the Amazon class to represent Boston. Would Le Succes be a suitable ship instead? It looks similar to this photo above, complete with a yellow stripe.

If so what would the stats look like, given she carries 28 guns rather than 32.
Any of the Amazon class frigates would be fine for Boston. It just depends on how and what on the model you want to go about repainting. I actually ended up repainting Cleopatra for use as a 28-gun American frigate as I did not want to use a model from the starter set. As far as guns go, Boston actually carried 36 guns. Ratings, particularly American, could be quite deceiving. Further, I do not see the stats given by Ares as being that precise anyway for any models. Emphasis is put on playability, not detailed simulation. The size of the ship and the armament of the Amazon class frigates and Boston put them in the same ballpark, so the stats should be close enough for substitution if you are just looking for a little variety in nationality.