Title: The Ships of Trafalgar

Author: Peter Goodwin

ISBN: 1-59114-824-3

Category: Historical

Format: Hardbound

Summary: If you have a mild interest in the Age of Sail, and particularly in the great sea battle that took place off the Cape of Trafalgar you should have a copy of this book on your shelf.

The book is broken into three parts each covering in order the British, French, and Spanish Fleets. Each part is broken into chapters dividing each fleet by the ship's ratings. Provided in the general background for each ship is the designer, dock yard built in, and sister ships, also a detailed history is given broken down by year. The author then gives the reader a nearly blow by blow account of the actions each vessel experienced during the course of the battle on October 21, 1805.

Supporting each vessel are tables listing general specifications, list of commanders, casualty details, weight of broadside, sailing qualities, and Progress Books, or maintenance logs. Each ship is illustrated with line drawings by the author of the over all hull lines. Relying on an array of primary sources, original drawings, logbooks, and dockyard records Mr. Goodwin has provided a wealth of information for the 73 ships which took part in the greatest naval battle in history during the age of sail known by just a single word, Trafalgar!

Though the book has been long out of print if there was one book on the Battle of Trafalgar you should want, this would be that book!