Perhaps we have been playing it wrong, or I misunderstand the present rules, but I thought that once one places a maneuver card and one discovers that one is "in irons" and has to switch to a red card, then one chooses a red card within the limits of "veer" and applies the first "hour glass" maneuver on the card. IIRC that card moves the ship backward slightly. The second "hour glass" is used depending upon the angle of the wind to the mainmast. If the angle is wrong, then one has missed a tack and falls off in the unintended direction. I have done this with my French SOL in a battle last week. It was very embarrassing and lead to the second ship in line smacking into my stern and causing me to take enough damage to sink. (Fill in discussion from another thread concerning the extreme damage resulting from fire, gunfire or ramming).

Note: I do not have the rules, maneuver cards or game with me to refer to for confirmation.