Guys, I need some help with some stats. I thought I had seen someone opine that each chit was ~100# of broadside throw-weight, but from some data Eric sent me that doesn't seem to work on the math level.

The Slade 74 and Temeraire at 6 and 7 respectively number-crunch at around 130# throw/chit, but the two frigates are inconsistent Concorde throws 188# and 1773 Amazon 228, 62-2/3 and 57 lbs./chit respectively. This implies to me that Fifth Rates are meant to be about 60#/chit, so if Third Rates are 130, which implies to me that if it's a linear function Fourth Rates would probably be about 100#/chit. Interestingly, I seem to recall that the sloops planed for Wave 2 don't even muster a 50# broadside...

Help me make sense of this, please?