I have been reading the KS comments and even posted a few myself.

I love the product Ares puts out as a gaming company. As far as managing the logistics of the KS Delivery I think they are making some huge mistakes by sticking to the Jan street date.

As of update 58 about 70% has been shipped. What they do not say is that the 30% are the majority of the backers who pledged the most and therfore have the largest most complicated orders to fill. These are also the backers who took Ares at their word that they would have the product weeks before the normal retail chain.

Now it has been revealed that through errors some distributors already have the product and it has hit the streets in some cases. Ares has changed the street to 13 JAN, but cleary that is not going to get the backers their product weeks before the normal retailers if they get the rewards before them at all.

Full disclosure I only pledged at the captain level and received by rewards on 19 and 20 DEC. I have a freind who like Keith pledged multiple Admiral levels for his online store. He had many orders cancel prior to X-mas due to the fact Ares could not deliver on their many wishful promises. Now other retailers in his area are going to get the game at the same time or even ahead of him when he like all of us supported the game and gave them money 8+ months in advance. I think this is a very poor decison on Ares part and I think they owe these backers something to compensate them for the breach of promise.

I also hope Ares is taking notice if they ever plan to do a KS again. Whoever they hired for supply chain management should be fired! Sending our personal information out once via emial(I received 213 emails for other backers) was bad enough in this age of identity theft. Now doing it a second time is unforgiveable. If you are one whose personal information was sent to the second person you can only hope they deleted it as I did. Shameful!

Like I said I love their product, but like most gaming companies supply is not Ares fortay.

It is time for Ares to stop posting the wishful thinking and misleading information and man up that this has been a debacle. Since they are not going to honor the early deliver for "ALL" backers I hope they are considering some sort of compensation especially for those who have yet to receive product and were some of the largest backers.
