I think you raise an interesting point, David. There does seem to be a different spirit here concerning Ares ships versus models compared to the 'Drome. I wonder if Age-of-Sail players are a different breed from WWI aviation players. I am still a relative newbie, so I know I am just conjecturing. It seems to me that folks have been at AoS mini playing for quite sometime, and I imagine most, if not all, of the ships have been models. With that type of personal investment in building, and with the different scale, I think you are correct in that selling the gaming components would probably not cannibalize mini sales to the degree anticipated, because many of those folks probably won't buy the minis to begin with. Folks like me are extremely thankful for the Ares minis in both games. We will dabble in modeling, but will still purchase each series that Ares produces.

Keith, your reply to Rory intrigues me. How would you differentiate between WoG or SoG and associated wargames? It seems to me that the folks at Ares have very good reasons for creating the maneuver decks as they do, and similarly with the probability spreads on damage decks and plane stats. I see WoG and SoG as wargames with streamlined mechanics that are family friendly. I imagine these games can be played like Pandemic or Settlers of Catan, in that someone could basically play a tactical game with a WWI or AoS theme, but these games seem much deeper than that to me. I am a bit confused.