Vol's 1:1200 Shipyard

1:1200 French (or British) Port

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For some time I had been thinking about building some terrain for 1:1200 Napoleonic ships. I settled on a European port protected by breakwaters and a fort. So over the holidays I had some time to devote to this. I ordered Langton buildings from Rob Eubanks at Waterloo Miniatures. Then I came across some laminate flooring scraps in the barn and thought hey, these could work as terrain modules. Each piece is 7.5 inches wide. So I cut two pieces 16 inches long and snapped them together to make rectangle 16"X15". I brought it back to the Hobby Room and painted it Navy Blue to see how it looked. Hmmm....not too bad! The next step was to break out the Langton stuff and start painting. As soon as the prelim coats were on I tried some layouts to see how it would look. I had an old foam 10 MM hill terrain pece I threw on for an island mockup for the fort.
Name:  2012-11-25+18.31.47.jpg
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Once somewhat satisfied, I broke out the hot knife and carved some side hills and the island.
Name:  2012-11-26+13.51.40.jpg
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Then I separated the two sections so I could work with them. The first section was the island and fort with part of the break water.
Name:  2012-11-29+17.54.26.jpg
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Then I added some trees and some breakers around the island and breakwater.
Name:  2012-11-30+14.53.23.jpg
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Name:  2012-11-29+21.52.11.jpg
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Next was the other half, the port town and docks.
Name:  2012-11-29+17.58.12.jpg
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Setting the trees.
Name:  2012-11-30+15.01.14.jpg
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Some details of the breaker waves.
Name:  2012-11-30+14.56.34.jpg
Views: 1223
Size:  38.1 KB

After all the details were done, I went over the water again with Americana Triple Thick Gloss Glaze. Then I snapped the two sections together. Here are some finished photos.

Name:  2012-12-18+17.24.11.jpg
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Name:  2012-12-18+17.23.39.jpg
Views: 1165
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Name:  2012-12-27+19.52.21.jpg
Views: 1147
Size:  210.9 KB

Lots more photos at http://volsminiatures.blogspot.com/2012/12/
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Updated 07-01-2017 at 09:36 by Volunteer



  1. 7eat51's Avatar
    Beautiful work! Very admirable.

    Somehow, I don't think my dining room table will look quite as nice anymore for upcoming naval battles.
  2. The Royal Hajj's Avatar
    Wow, that looks really great!
  3. SeaRoyal20's Avatar
    Great idea! What are those other two vessels - prision barges? That too would make a great scenario.
  4. Volunteer's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by SeaRoyal20
    Great idea! What are those other two vessels - prision barges? That too would make a great scenario.
    They are a 100 gun and a 74 at anchor, stuck due to the British blockade outside the road.
  5. Jack Aubrey's Avatar
    fantastic work, looks realy great
  6. Sea Gull's Avatar
    Almost expecting Hornblower to come sailing through the gap and dismast the ships at anchor. Marvellous stuff.
  7. SeaRoyal20's Avatar
    Your thread sizes look spot on. What did you use? I have been planning a Langton order for a bunch of this stuff. I guess I'm motivated now!
  8. Horatio's Avatar
    Fantastic, great job.
    Wish I had your skill.
  9. BonhommeRichard's Avatar
    very very well done
  10. Cmmdre's Avatar
    Your attention to detail and craftsmanship are top-notch. Extremely well done. Your years of experience shine through.
  11. Volunteer's Avatar
    Update: All photos reloaded July 1, 2012