Quote Originally Posted by RedLeif View Post
Just curious which Rate or class of ships would you most like to play in the forth coming Sails of Glory game?

1: 1st and or 2nd rates (90 + gun ships, 3 deckers)
2: 3rd rates (64 to 80 gun ships, 2 deckers)
3: 4-6th rates (roughly 30 to 60 ships, 4th rates were 2 deckers, 5th and 6th rates had 1 deck)
4: 'Unrated' (includes most naval/privateer vessels with <= 24 guns such as Corvettes, Sloops, Brigs, Xebecs, Schooners, etc)

Sorry I don't know how make this an actual 'poll' but if you'd just reply that would be fine with me.

Thought I had responded to this - must have been the other one. Unrated for me - ship rigged sloop of war - less constraints of squadron duty, more independant command, and more prizes!