Quote Originally Posted by Kentop View Post
Stupid boring history lesson coming up: It was somewhere around 1650 that Charles II regained the throne in England. Cromwell screwed up badly enough that the english people literally begged for a return of the monarchy. British navy ships during his period didn't carry the HMS title when he was king. They used HBMS, meaning, His Britannic Majesty's Ship. So, ships from this period, like HMS Britannia, were called HBMS Britannia in their day. You there in the back row, WAKE UP. Straight to the Principal with you, young man.
The restoration of Charles the second was on May 29th 1660.

Cromwell IMHO did not 'Screw up', he had laudable aims for a fair and balanced society, but was unable to impress his vision on his peers, let alone, 'the' Peers!
England was (again IMHO) - at that time unable to operate without a strong central figurehead, there were too many factions in government and society post civil war.

I think its true that England liked having a Monarch. Richard Cromwell was well aware he had not the same political and Military experience as his father, and effectively conspired with both former Royalists and Parliamentarians to effect the restoration.
It is certain that the civil war/ Commonwealth period made people less happy with an absolute monarchy, which has served us well ever since.

Feel free to disagree though!!!!