Quote Originally Posted by colby_bimore View Post
Hi Folks,

I'm just getting my feet wet with this game (pun intended) and I wanted to ask a question about storage.

The miniatures look pretty delicate at first glance. Will my storage solution need to really secure the ships so they don't encounter any shaking during transport (e.g. packed in foam)? Or can they take some mild shifting around in their compartment?

Colby, most of my fleet is still in the original boxes. Those that have been painted and rigged are sitting in a display case. I don't take the ships on the road much, but if I did I'd not worry too much about their delicacy. The exception to this would be the Wave 2 First Rates. Those masts are very prone to damage so they need to be very secure when transporting. Here are a few links to prior threads you might want to look over:


You may find some of the images in these threads are corrupted. Our website was hacked a few months ago and the photos were not recovered.
