Hi all,

Just like it says on the tin, I'm hoping someone can help me out with this model. This is my first foray into ship modeling of any kind, and I bought this kit and a ship sloop figuring that starting small would be a good idea. I'm fairly certain of where I'm at with the sloop, since there are guides upon guides for ship-rigged... ships. But this little two-masted gunboat has got me stumped. Has anyone got any drawings of what it's meant to be representing? Or, failing that, photos from someone who has built it before, or even a good verbal description? I'm not sure if it's meant to have a mainmast and a foremast, or a main and a mizzen. The sails are also puzzling me - there's a larger one that I assume is meant to go on the mainmast, but the other is very much non-symmetrical, which suggests to me that it's meant to be fore-and-aft, but I don't know where. Any help at all is appreciated.



Name:  IMG_20190727_085854.jpg
Views: 642
Size:  136.8 KB

CORRECTION: the reference code for the Large Gunboat is K5, not K4.