In a different thread there was the beginning of a discussion about the Spanish fleet and the stats for the ships.
As part of that discussion it was mentioned I had looked into some stats for the Spanish 64 SOL San Leandro

As I believe we are all aware there has been quite a debate reference the Spanish fleet from Ares ranging from the stats and the model size.
This piece will not go into the models but the stats to bring the San Leandro to the table for a Trafalgar game.

I have made a comparison of all the Ares 64 British and French and used this as well as, for a reference, data from the Three Decks website, Rif Winfields French Warships in the Age of Sail, Rif Winfields British Warships in the Age of Sail 1714-1792 and Peter Goodwins The Ships of Trafalagar.

The table shows the ship the no of guns, the Broadside weight in kg, crew , tonnage and guns.
I also took the Ares ship mat for the 64 which cam out like this

Ship Name No of Guns Broadside Wt tonnage Burden 24pdr 18pdr 12pdr 9pdr 8pdr 6pdr 4pdr 24pdrc 18pdrc Crew
HMS Africa 64 307kg 1379 5 26 26 12 2 6 500
HMS Agamemnon 64 307kg 1383 5 26 26 12 2 6 500
HMS America 64 251kg 1369 5 26 26 2 10 500
HMS Argonaut 64 1451 4 26 26 12 500
HMS Polyphemus 64 272kg 1379 5 26 26 12 500
HMS Prothee 64 272kg 1480 4 26 26 12 500
HMS Raisonnable 64 307kg 1385 5 26 26 12 6 500
HMS Vigilant 64 272kg 1376 5 26 26 12 500
Artesien 64 249kg 1100 4 26 28 10 569
Roland 64 249kg 1100 4 26 28 10 569
Protee 64 249kg 1100 4 26 28 10 569
Eveille 64 249kg 1100 4 26 28 10 569

San Leandro 64 277kg 1676 5 26 28 6 4 607

The next table shows the stats on the ship mats for the British and French and at the bottom my proposed stats after a comparison for the San Leandro

Ship Name box1 box2 box3 box4 box5 box6 box7 box8 box9
HMS Africa 3-6-5 3-5-4 3-4-3 2-4-3 2-3-3 2-3-2 1-3-2 1-2-2 1-1-1
HMS Agamemnon 3-6-5 3-5-4 3-4-3 2-4-3 2-3-3 2-3-2 1-3-2 1-2-2 1-1-1
HMS America 3-5-4 3-4-3 2-4-3 2-3-3 2-3-2 2-2-2 1-2-2 1-2-2 1-1-1
HMS Argonaut 3-5-4 3-4-3 2-4-3 2-3-3 2-3-2 2-2-2 1-2-2 1-2-2 1-1-1
HMS Polyphemus 3-5-4 3-4-3 2-4-3 2-3-3 2-3-2 2-2-2 1-2-2 1-2-2 1-1-1
HMS Prothee 3-5-4 3-4-3 2-4-3 2-3-3 2-3-2 2-2-2 1-2-2 1-2-2 1-1-1
HMS Raisonnable 3-6-5 3-5-4 3-4-3 2-4-3 2-3-3 2-3-2 1-3-2 1-2-2 1-1-1
HMS Vigilant 3-5-4 3-4-3 3-4-3 2-3-3 2-3-2 2-2-2 1-2-2 1-2-2 1-1-1
Artesien 3-4-3 2-4-3 2-3-3 2-3-2 2-2-2 1-2-2 1-2-2 1-1-1 0-1-1
Roland 3-4-3 2-4-3 2-3-3 2-3-2 2-2-2 1-2-2 1-2-2 1-1-1 0-1-1
Protee 3-4-3 2-4-3 2-3-3 2-3-2 2-2-2 1-2-2 1-2-2 1-1-1 0-1-1
Eveille 3-4-3 2-4-3 2-3-3 2-3-2 2-2-2 1-2-2 1-2-2 1-1-1 0-1-1

San Leandro 3-5-4 3-4-3 3-4-3 2-4-3 2-3-3 2-3-2 1-3-2 1-2-2 1-1-1

So that is my proposal and the stats and references used to give us the San Leandro. I hope this will provoke some further discussion which may lead me to going through the same with the rest of the Spanish fleet.

Apologies here the system have moved everything up to the left and got rid of my columns.
I suggest making a copy and putting into a spreadsheet to see the data correctly.
I will also try to get my mastersheet added to the files.